



A hospital is an institution for health care providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. Questions about various hospitals and health care find a place in this category.

500 Questions

How do you put diaper on an adult?

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Asked by Oliviawaldron56

To put a diaper on an adult, have the person lie down on their back. Place the diaper under their buttocks with the front panel between their legs. Pull up the front panel and secure the diaper snugly around the waist using the adhesive tabs on the sides. Adjust for comfort and fit.

How does one put a diaper on a bedridden elderly person?

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Asked by Simontownsend5074

To put a diaper on a bedridden elderly person, first lay the person flat on their back. Then unfold the diaper, slide it underneath them, and fasten the tabs securely. Make sure the diaper is positioned comfortably to prevent leaks and change it regularly to maintain hygiene.

Why are tooth fillings are often made of gold or porcelain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gold and porcelain are often used for tooth fillings because they are durable, biocompatible, and resistant to wear and staining. Gold fillings are long-lasting and strong, while porcelain fillings can be color-matched to natural teeth for a more aesthetic appearance.

What are four services that can be offered by state and local health departmens?

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Asked by Wiki User

State and local health departments can offer services such as immunizations, health education and promotion programs, disease surveillance and monitoring, and environmental health inspections and regulations.

What are the services in intensive care units?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Intensive care units (ICUs) provide specialized care for critically ill patients, including monitoring vital signs, administering medications, managing life support equipment such as ventilators, providing round-the-clock nursing care, and coordinating multidisciplinary care from a team of healthcare professionals. Additionally, ICUs may offer specialized services such as dialysis, nutritional support, and rehabilitation therapies.

What is growing fever?

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Asked by Wiki User

Growing fever is not a medical condition. It may refer to a slight increase in body temperature that can happen during growth spurts in children, but it is not a definitive or recognized medical term. It's important to monitor any fever in children and consult a healthcare professional if it persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.

What stands for the recommended daily allowance of nutrients?

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Asked by Wiki User

RDA stands for Recommended Dietary Allowance, which is the amount of nutrients required to meet the needs of most healthy individuals in a specific age and gender group. It is set by health authorities to guide individuals on their daily nutrient intake for optimal health.

Identify four places where end-of-life care services can be accessed?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Hospice facilities, which specialize in providing end-of-life care in a comfortable and supportive environment.
  2. Palliative care programs, which offer symptom management and emotional support for individuals with serious illnesses.
  3. Home health agencies, where end-of-life care can be provided in the individual's own residence.
  4. Long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes or assisted living facilities, which may also offer end-of-life care services.

How may assisted living facilities are in the US?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are approximately 30,000 assisted living facilities in the United States.

Is providing a feeding tube to a patient part of a DNR order?

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Asked by Wiki User

A feeding tube provision is not typically included in a standard Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order. A DNR order usually addresses resuscitation measures in case of cardiac or respiratory arrest, while a decision regarding feeding tubes is separate and typically specified in an advance directive or living will.

What is meant by pyrexia hyper pyrexia and hypothermia?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Pyrexia refers to an elevated body temperature, commonly known as a fever.
  • Hyperpyrexia is a severe form of fever where body temperature rises significantly above normal levels, usually above 41.5°C (106.7°F).
  • Hypothermia is when the body temperature drops below normal levels, typically below 35°C (95°F). It can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the degree of temperature drop.

How much is 4 units of blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average adult has about 10-12 units of blood in their body. Donating 4 units of blood would amount to a significant portion of the total volume, potentially leading to symptoms of low blood volume or anemia. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before donating multiple units of blood at once.

How much is three units of blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Three units of blood typically refers to three bags or pouches of blood collected from a donor, which is approximately 1.35 liters in total volume. Each unit of blood can be lifesaving for patients in need of blood transfusions due to surgeries, accidents, or medical conditions.

When do you change the water during sponging?

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Asked by Wiki User

When giving a sponge bath, the water should be approximately 115 degrees. As the patient is bathed, the provider should notice if the water gets cool and change it as it will be far colder to the patient.

The greatest surface area for gas exchange occurs within the?

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Asked by Wiki User

alveoli of the lungs. These tiny sacs are surrounded by a network of capillaries, allowing for efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the bloodstream.

How much money does LPN make?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average salary for a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in the United States is around $47,480 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Salaries can vary based on factors such as experience, location, and employer.

What is meant by the exchange of gas?

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Asked by Wiki User

The exchange of gas refers to the process where gases are transferred between two materials or systems. In biological terms, this often involves the exchange of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide in respiration. In chemistry, it can involve the exchange of gases in reactions or the movement of gases between different phases.

How does being punctual show respect?

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Asked by Wiki User

Being punctual shows respect because it demonstrates that you value the other person's time and commitments. It indicates that you are reliable and considerate of their schedule. Being on time also conveys professionalism and responsibility.

What they mean by context of the study outlined?

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Asked by Wiki User

The context of the study refers to the background or setting in which the research is being conducted. This includes factors such as the research problem, the rationale for the study, relevant theories or literature, the research design, and the significance of the research within a specific field or discipline. Providing a clear context helps to frame the research question and demonstrates the importance and relevance of the study.

What are the conditions of residents in a nursing home?

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Asked by Wiki User

Residents in nursing homes may experience a range of conditions, including physical limitations, chronic illnesses, cognitive impairments, and social isolation. They may require assistance with activities of daily living, medication management, and specialized care tailored to their individual needs. Quality of care, staff-to-patient ratio, facility cleanliness, and access to social activities are important factors that can impact the overall well-being of residents in a nursing home.

Is 3 units of human blood a lot?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, 3 units of human blood is considered a significant amount. For reference, an average adult has about 10-12 pints of blood in their body, with 1 unit roughly equating to approximately 1 pint. Therefore, 3 units would be around a quarter (25%) of an average adult's total blood volume.

What is the root word for hospital?

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Asked by Wiki User

The root word for "hospital" is "hospitalis," which means "a guest or a place for guests" in Latin.

Some short and long term objectives for building relationships in the workplace?

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Asked by Wiki User

Short-term objectives could include scheduling regular team-building activities or setting up one-on-one meetings with colleagues to get to know them better. Long-term objectives might involve taking on leadership roles within the team, fostering a culture of collaboration and open communication, and actively seeking opportunities to mentor and support others.

When sponging a resident what items do you need to prepare?

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Asked by Wiki User

When sponging a resident, you will need a basin of warm water, soap or gentle cleansing solution, clean washcloths or bath sponge, a towel for drying, gloves if needed, and any special products recommended for the resident's skin condition. Always ensure privacy and dignity for the resident during the process.

How do you fry chicken salad?

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Asked by Wiki User

To fry chicken for salad, start by coating chicken pieces in seasoned flour, dip in beaten egg, then coat with breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil until golden brown and cooked through. Let the fried chicken pieces cool before adding them to your salad to maintain the crispiness.