


Holidays and Traditions

Holidays, celebrations and festivals from around the world. This category covers religious and non-religious holidays and their associated traditions, as well as some multicultural events.

500 Questions

What is a methodological assumption?

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Asked by Wiki User

A methodological assumption is a foundational belief or principle that guides the research methods used in a study. It shapes how data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted, influencing the overall approach and design of the research. These assumptions help researchers make decisions about how to conduct their studies and what conclusions can be drawn from the data.

What are the duties and resposibility's of teachers in society in present day context?

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Asked by Wiki User

In present day society, teachers have the responsibility to educate and empower students, facilitate learning and critical thinking, foster a positive and inclusive learning environment, and provide support and guidance to students. They also play a crucial role in promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion within the education system, as well as collaborating with parents, colleagues, and administrators to ensure student success.

Do all schools have 8 periods a day?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, not all schools have 8 periods a day. The number of periods in a school day can vary depending on the school's scheduling system and structure. Some schools may have fewer than 8 periods, while others may have more.

Which section of the colonies had a strong tradition of education?

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Asked by Wiki User

The New England colonies had a strong tradition of education, with towns often establishing schools to educate children in reading, writing, and arithmetic. The Puritans placed a high value on literacy and education to ensure citizens could read the Bible and understand its teachings.

What is a hook about a stereotype?

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Asked by Wiki User

Challenging stereotypes in our society requires acknowledging the harm they cause and actively working to dismantle them. Emphasizing the individuality and complexity of people rather than reducing them to one-dimensional caricatures is essential for promoting diversity and inclusivity.

Debate against traditional learning vs modern learning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Traditional learning tends to be focused on memorization and rote learning, while modern learning emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Modern learning methods incorporate technology and interactive strategies to engage students more effectively. While traditional learning may have its merits in certain contexts, modern learning is better suited to prepare students for the rapidly changing demands of the 21st century.

Compare the goals and objectives of traditional education and national policy on education?

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Asked by Wiki User

Traditional education typically focuses on providing a standardized curriculum and preparing students for academic success. National policy on education, however, aims to enhance the overall quality of education, promote inclusive and equitable access to education, and ensure that educational institutions are effective and efficient in meeting the needs of all learners. National policy on education also places emphasis on innovation, research, and development in the education sector to meet evolving challenges and demands.

Would you like to say something about your concept of education basedd onvedic culture and tradition and the way would help your student to gain by it and develop an integrated personality?

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Asked by Wiki User

Education based on Vedic culture focuses on holistic development, nurturing not just intellectual growth but also spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. Students benefit by gaining a deep understanding of their interconnectedness with the universe, fostering a sense of empathy, humility, and gratitude. Through teachings on self-discipline, meditation, and ethical values, students develop an integrated personality that is grounded, compassionate, and resilient in facing life's challenges.

How does oral tradition differ from written source?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oral tradition is information passed down through generations by word of mouth, while written sources are recorded information in written form. Oral tradition tends to be more fluid and changeable, influenced by the storyteller, while written sources are usually more fixed and can be referenced repeatedly. Written sources allow for greater precision and detail, while oral tradition relies on memory and interpretation.

What are two differences in nutrient and energy requirements between teenagers and senior citizens?

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Asked by Wiki User

Teenagers have higher energy requirements due to growth and development, while senior citizens have lower energy requirements due to decreased metabolism and physical activity. Teenagers require more calcium and iron for bone growth and development, while senior citizens need more vitamin B12 and vitamin D for bone health and absorption.

How many footsteps should a senior take in a day?

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Asked by Wiki User

The number of footsteps a senior should take in a day can vary depending on their level of activity and health. A general recommendation is to aim for at least 7,000 to 10,000 steps per day to maintain good health and mobility. It's important for seniors to listen to their bodies and progress gradually to avoid any injuries.

What Korean girl name that means talented and intelligent and pretty?

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Asked by Wiki User

One option could be Yejin (예진), with "예" meaning talented, "진" meaning intelligent, and the overall name conveying beauty as well.

Which social classes led the quest for mexican independence?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Creole class, which were people of Spanish descent born in Mexico, played a significant role in leading the quest for Mexican independence. They were motivated by a desire for greater political autonomy and economic opportunities. Additionally, segments of the indigenous population and mestizos also participated in the movement for independence.

What language does Yule come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "Yule" comes from Old English "ġēol" which is derived from Old Norse "jól." Yule is traditionally associated with the Christmas season and comes from pre-Christian winter solstice celebrations.

What is Dia del Idioma?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dia del Idioma, or Language Day, is celebrated in some Spanish-speaking countries on April 23rd to honor the life and work of Miguel de Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote. It is a day to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and the importance of language in society.

What values traditions and customs handed down from one and ancestors is known as .?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is known as cultural heritage. It refers to the practices, beliefs, values, and artifacts that are passed down through generations and contribute to a community's identity and sense of belonging.

What is the Average number of words spoken by adults per day?

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Asked by Wiki User

16,000 for both men and women. See below. Matthias R. Mehl,1* Simine Vazire,2 Nairán Ramírez-Esparza,3 Richard B. Slatcher,3 James W. Pennebaker3 Women are generally assumed to be more talkative than men. Data were analyzed from 396 participants who wore a voice recorder that sampled ambient sounds for several days. Participants' daily word use was extrapolated from the number of recorded words. Women and men both spoke about 16,000 words per day.

Larendee Roos

Which of the following is most likely true about the cultural traditions of Bhavana's country?

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Asked by Wiki User

Without knowing which country Bhavana is from, it is difficult to determine specifics about their cultural traditions. However, it is likely that cultural traditions in Bhavana's country are diverse and unique, influenced by history, religion, geography, and social customs. Understanding the specific country would provide more insight into its cultural traditions.

Disadvantages to an oral tradition?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some disadvantages of an oral tradition include the potential for information to be inaccurately remembered or distorted over time, leading to loss of detail or changes in the narrative. Oral traditions also tend to be more vulnerable to disruptions and may not be as easily preserved or shared as written records. Additionally, oral traditions may lack the permanence and accessibility of written texts.

Is the study of traditional human cultures determining how people lived and organized themselves into primitive societies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the study of traditional human cultures aims to understand how people lived and organized themselves in early societies. It explores various aspects such as social structure, belief systems, economic activities, and daily life practices to gain insights into the functioning of these primitive societies.

Is it Karma or Kharma you use to always see it spelled with the h but now you see it more often than not without it Why are there the two spellings and which is correct?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both spellings, "karma" and "kharma," are used to refer to the concept of cosmic cause and effect in Eastern religions. "Karma" is the more widely accepted and recognized spelling in English. The variation with the "h" may have originated from a phonetic interpretation of the Sanskrit pronunciation. Ultimately, both are accepted variations, but "karma" is the more commonly recognized spelling.

What is indigeneous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Indigenous refers to the original people who have inhabited a particular region or land for generations, often having a unique culture, traditions, and language. These communities have a deep connection to their ancestral lands and maintain a distinct way of life shaped by their histories and environments.

What is samhain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It is celebrated on October 31st to November 1st and is often associated with honoring ancestors and spirits. It is considered to be a time when the boundary between the physical world and the spirit world is thin.

Why do religions have festivals and celebrations?

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Asked by Maxy

Religions have festivals and celebrations to commemorate important events, figures, or teachings, fostering a sense of community and unity among followers. These celebrations often serve as a way to reinforce religious beliefs, pass down traditions, and provide opportunities for worship and reflection. Additionally, festivals can help bring people together in joy and gratitude, strengthening their faith and connection to their spiritual beliefs.

What does we chalked out work for the day?

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Asked by Wiki User

We outlined/planned out work for the day.