

Gulliver's Travels

Written by Jonathan Swift, this book is a political satire which comments on the human condition, the injustices of politics, and some surprisingly frank physical descriptions. Published in four parts, the most famous today is the first installment which goes by this name. It is discussed here.

500 Questions

How do you discuss and defend how you see examples of satire in Swift and Gulliver and Travels book 1 chapters 1-4. and nbsp?

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In "Gulliver's Travels" book 1, chapters 1-4, Jonathan Swift uses satire to critique political and societal issues of his time, such as corruption, greed, and hypocrisy. By portraying Lilliputians as small in size but still consumed by grandiose ambitions, Swift satirizes the vanity and absurdity of human nature. The exaggerated rituals, like the debate over which end of an egg to break, highlight the triviality of political disputes to show the pettiness of those in power.

In Gulliver and Travels by Jonathan Swift what does Gulliver say that causes the Emperor to turn against him?

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Gulliver's statement that he could build a machine to destroy the entire fleet of the Blefuscudians causes the Emperor to turn against him in "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift. The Emperor views this as a threat to his empire's security and decides to treat Gulliver as an enemy from that point on.

In the Book Gullivers travels what trade does Gulliver learn as an apprentice?

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In "Gulliver's Travels," Lemuel Gulliver learns the trade of surgery and navigation during his apprenticeship. His knowledge and experience in these fields play a significant role throughout his voyages to different lands.

What did the lilliputants find of Gulliver?

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The Lilliputians find Gulliver unconscious on the beach, tied up with rope. They are fascinated by his enormous size and appearance compared to them. They eventually bring him to their city to learn more about him.

How did gulliver finally manage to get back home?

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Gulliver finally managed to get back home by being rescued by a Portuguese ship after being stranded on an island inhabited by a race of intelligent horses called Houyhnhnms. The Houyhnhnms helped Gulliver get back to England, where he was reunited with his family.

How does Jonathan Swift and Gulliver and Travels comment on the ties that bind together a family community or nation?

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In "Gulliver's Travels," Swift uses satire to criticize the flaws and absurdities of human nature and society. Through Gulliver's encounters with different societies, the author highlights the complexities of family, community, and national ties, often exaggerating their weaknesses and conflicts to provoke reflection on the nature of human relationships. Swift's work ultimately questions the values and norms that underpin these structures, challenging readers to reconsider their assumptions about the ties that bind people together.

In Gulliver's travels What do the Houyhnhnm's decide to do with Gulliver at the Grand Assembly?

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The Houyhnhnms, upon hearing Gulliver's account of humanity, decide that he is a Yahoo (a term they use to describe humans) and they consider him a dangerous, irrational being. They ultimately decide to exile Gulliver from their society in order to prevent him from corrupting their way of life.

Why is Gulliver arrives in lilliput considered satirical?

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"Gulliver's Travels" satirizes political and social issues through its portrayal of Lilliputians, who are obsessed with trivial matters like which end of an egg to crack open or the proper way to break a boiled egg. This exaggeration highlights the absurdity of human behavior and customs, showing their insignificance in the larger scheme of things. The satire is aimed at criticizing the pettiness and frivolity of society.

Where does Gulliver stay while he is in Lilliput?

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Gulliver stays in a field surrounded by a stone wall while he is in Lilliput. After his shipwreck, the Lilliputians build a custom-made house for him to stay in during his time in their land.

What does Gulliver do to earn money when he returns to England from Lilliput?

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In Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," Lemuel Gulliver becomes a successful author by documenting his adventures. He earns money by publishing the accounts of his travels to Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, and Houyhnhnms, which captivate the public and make him famous.

What caused the war in Gulliver's travels?

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In Gulliver's Travels, the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu was triggered by a disagreement over the proper way to eat eggs—whether they should be opened at the big end or the small end. The trivial dispute escalated into a full-blown war due to the stubbornness and pride of the leaders of the two nations.

When gulliver is walking in the midst of the rocks he sees what floating in the air?

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Gulliver sees islands floating in the air as he walks amid the rocks.

What does king of Brobdingnag conclude about the English?

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The king of Brobdingnag concludes that the English society is filled with greed, corruption, and folly. He criticizes their government, wars, and the dishonesty of their politicians. He finds their customs, traditions, and way of life to be lacking in virtue and honor.

What could this country that Gulliver discovers symbolize (i.e. What is Gulliver satirizing in the above excerpt)?

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The country that Gulliver discovers in Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" can be seen as a satirical representation of England. It satirizes various aspects of English society, politics, and human nature, such as corruption, vanity, narrow-mindedness, and irrationality. Swift uses the absurdities and extremes in this country to criticize and mock the flaws he sees in his own society.

Who does gulliver end up summoning through a mirror?

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In Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," Gulliver summons the King of Brobdingnag through a mirror, revealing his small size in comparison to the giants in the kingdom. This encounter emphasizes the themes of perspective and relative size in the novel.

How does Gulliver's end up stranded in Lilliput?

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He survives a shipwreck

How did the Lilliputians gain favor in court and gain political offices in Gulliver's travels?

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The Lilliputians gained favor in court by flattering the emperor and manipulating Gulliver to help them in their political struggles. They also used his size to their advantage, making him a spectacle and showing off their power and control over him to secure their positions in government and influence at court.

What is the true teaching of the Brundecal?

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The Brundtland Commission, also known as the World Commission on Environment and Development, coined the term sustainable development in 1987. The commission's report, "Our Common Future," emphasizes the need to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The true teaching of the Brundtland Commission is about finding a balance between economic development, social equity, and environmental protection to ensure a sustainable future for all.

Theme and plot for gulliver's travel in 50 words?

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"Gulliver's Travels" explores the themes of satire, exploration, and the human condition through the story of Lemuel Gulliver's fantastical journeys to different lands. The plot follows Gulliver as he encounters strange societies that satirize aspects of 18th-century England, ultimately highlighting the flaws and absurdities of human nature.

How was a secret conspiracy hatched against gulliver?

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In "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift, a secret conspiracy was hatched against Gulliver by the Lilliputians, who wanted to discredit and ultimately get rid of him due to his threat to their society and government. They planted false accusations against him and manipulated situations to turn the Emperor against him, leading to his exile.

Why does gulliver keep travelling despite his misfortune?

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because he loved travelling

Who are the enemies of Lilliputians?

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The enemies of the Lilliputians in Gulliver's Travels are the Blefuscians, who are their rivals in a long-standing war. These two nations are constantly in conflict, with their main source of dispute being which end of the egg to crack first when eating a boiled egg.