



Friendship is a supportive relationship between two or more people. This kind of relationships involved mutual respect, affection, esteem, and knowledge when helping friends in times of need or crisis. Here you can ask questions about how to make friends, how to be a good friend, and much more.

500 Questions

How can you have your bestfriends get along?

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Asked by Wiki User

Best friends are close persons who know you well. Spending time with them is a major act to getting along with them. Get to know them more, offer gifts and show your love and admiration towards them. Be assured they will love you more!

What was the theme of friendship in Romeo and Juliet?

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The theme of friendship in Romeo and Juliet is explored through the loyalty of Romeo's friends, Benvolio and Mercutio, who support him throughout the play. Their actions show the importance of friendship in times of conflict and the impact it can have on the characters' decisions and fates.

Can you get out in abusive friendship?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, absolutely. It's important to prioritize your well-being and safety. You can seek support from loved ones, a therapist, or a helpline for guidance on how to safely exit the abusive friendship. Setting boundaries, expressing your feelings, and ultimately distancing yourself from the toxic dynamic can be important steps in ending the relationship.

What if someone reads your diary?

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Asked by Wiki User

It can feel like a violation of privacy and trust if someone reads your diary without your permission. It's important to communicate your feelings to the person and set boundaries to prevent it from happening again. Consider keeping your diary in a secure place to protect your personal thoughts and reflections.

What do you do if your best friend spills your biggest secret?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to have an open conversation with your best friend to express how you feel about them sharing your secret. Evaluate if you can trust them moving forward and set boundaries to ensure your confidence is respected. Consider the impact of the breach of trust on your relationship and decide if you want to continue sharing personal information with them.

What friendship means to you summary?

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Asked by Wiki User

Friendship means having someone you can trust, rely on, and share experiences with. It involves mutual respect, support, and understanding. Friendships are built on communication, fun, and emotional connection.

What does the friendship of thighs mean?

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The term "friendship of thighs" is not a commonly used phrase. It may refer to a close or intimate relationship between individuals, but its meaning can vary depending on the context in which it is used.

What is better fame or friendship?

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Asked by Septhian

It ultimately depends on individual values and goals. Fame can bring recognition and opportunities, but it can also bring superficial relationships and pressures. Friendship provides support, companionship, and emotional connection, which can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Ultimately, a balance of both can lead to a well-rounded and satisfying existence.

Is love better then friendship?

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Asked by Absey123

Love and friendship are different types of relationships that offer unique experiences and fulfill different emotional needs. It's not a matter of one being better than the other, but rather what type of connection one values and prioritizes in their life. Love often involves a romantic and intimate bond, while friendship offers companionship, support, and shared experiences. Both can enrich one's life in different ways.

Is the language key to friendship?

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Asked by Wiki User

Language is an important tool for communication, but it is not the only factor in building and maintaining friendships. Cultivating shared values, interests, and experiences, as well as showing empathy and understanding, can also contribute to strong friendships regardless of language differences.

What is the true friendship?

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Asked by Wiki User

True friendship is a deep and genuine connection between individuals based on mutual respect, trust, support, and understanding. It involves being there for each other through good times and bad, and accepting one another for who they are without judgment. True friends uplift and inspire each other to be the best versions of themselves.

What does bonding in a friendship mean?

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Bonding in a friendship refers to the connections and closeness that develop between individuals. It involves sharing experiences, emotions, and interests, as well as providing support and understanding to one another. Strong bonds in a friendship lead to trust, loyalty, and a sense of belonging.

Friendship is to be purchased by friendship?

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This suggests that in order to have strong and lasting friendships, one must be willing to invest time, effort, and care in building and maintaining those relationships. Trust and connection cannot be bought with material goods, but must be nurtured through genuine interactions and mutual respect.

What does friendship sound like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Friendship sounds like laughter, support, and understanding. It is the shared moments of joy and comfort in each other's presence.

How to measure friendship?

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Asked by Wiki User

Friendship can be measured by the amount of trust, support, and understanding between individuals. It is also reflected in the willingness to invest time and effort into the relationship, as well as in experiencing mutual feelings of connection and companionship. Ultimately, the strength of a friendship can be seen in the level of emotional intimacy and the ability to rely on one another during both good times and bad.

Can friendships end?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, friendships can end for various reasons such as drifting apart, conflicts or differences, or simply growing in different directions. It is a natural part of life for relationships to evolve and sometimes come to an end.

What is a friendship abuse?

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Asked by Wiki User

Friendship abuse occurs when one person in a friendship uses manipulative or controlling tactics to maintain power and control over the other person. This can include emotional manipulation, isolation, criticism, or threats. It is important to recognize the signs of friendship abuse and seek support to address the situation.

If someone wants to show you a simple short story they wrote what can you do?

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Asked by Wiki User

I can read the short story and provide feedback on the plot, characters, and overall writing style. I can also offer suggestions for improvement and help identify any strengths or weaknesses in the story.

Where can one find a grieving mother's poem for her dead son?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find poems written by grieving mothers for their deceased children in poetry books, online poetry websites, grief support groups, or social media platforms where individuals share personal writings. Additionally, some hospitals or organizations focused on supporting bereaved parents may provide resources or access to such poems.

What poem starts annabelle Lucy is your very best friend?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm trying to find the complete poem. The part I know is: Annabelle Lucy is my very best friend, she lives at the end of the street. I invite her over for an afternoon snack, she invites me back. Then there is a line: His hair was red, the carroty kind but Annabelle didn't seem to mind. And then as though in front of a grandstand, he turned a somersault and did a handstand. Then chewed on a grass stem, green and juicy - hi there Tommy said Annabelle Lucy. Hi said the boy as bold as brass. How you making out in division class?

My friend has changed a lot since she started getting a lot of attention from boys i want a quote that has something to do with i miss the old you thanks?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Sometimes the person you miss doesn't exist anymore because they've changed, and that’s okay. Reminiscing about the past can help you cherish those memories, but it's important to appreciate and embrace who they’ve become."

Acrostic poem for FLOWER?

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Asked by Wiki User

fluffy floating flowers

lovely in the summer

open when its day closed when its night

withering in the winter

earning al it sunlight

really really pretty

Why is the poem the lonely land written by AJM Smith divided in three stanzas?

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Asked by Wiki User

The division of "The Lonely Land" by A.J.M. Smith into three stanzas helps create a sense of structure and organization in the poem. Each stanza may represent a different aspect of the central theme, allowing the poet to explore different ideas or emotions in a cohesive manner while providing a natural pause for the reader to reflect on each section.