


Dieting and Weight Loss

Have questions about or need advice on what you should be eating and how to lose weight? What works for you or what doesn’t? This is the place to be to learn about the facts and the fads in what is almost a national pastime these days.

500 Questions

Why did your earliest ancestors begin to include meat in their diets?

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Early ancestors likely included meat in their diets due to its high caloric and nutrient content, which would have provided valuable energy for survival and brain development. Meat also became increasingly important as a food source as our ancestors evolved to become better hunters and gatherers, allowing them to diversify their diet and increase their chances of survival.

What are trans fats?

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Trans fats are artificially created fats that are formed through the process of hydrogenation, which involves adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid at room temperature. They are commonly found in processed foods and baked goods and have been linked to various health risks, such as an increased risk of heart disease. Many health organizations recommend limiting consumption of foods high in trans fats.

What's the best way to lose weight fast?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best way to loose weight as fast as you can is to exercise 8 hours a day. the more you exercise, more you loose weight. The more you lose weight, the more you get fit, the more you get fit, the more you become healthy and have a long life.

What is weight gain powder?

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आप चाहें तो weight gain के लिए दूध में बादाम, काजू और किशमिश मिलाकर भी ले सकते हैं। ड्राई फ्रूट्स और दूध का कॉम्बिनेशन आपको वेट गेन करने में काफी मदद कर सकता है। साथ ही इन दोनों को एक साथ लेने से शरीर को सभी जरूरी पोषक तत्व भी मिलेंगे। आपका हेल्दी weight gain होगा और आप एनर्जेटिक महसूस करेंगे।

How much is 1cm and convert that to one inches?

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1 centimeter is equal to 0.393701 inches. So, when converting 1 centimeter to inches using a "Cm to Inches converter," the result is approximately 0.393701 inches.

Try drmeasurement. com/cm-to-inches-converter/

to get check any number of cm to inc

Try 10 Minute Workouts for Weight Loss?

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Asked by Wiki User

10 minute workouts are simple and easy to do, and they are great for busy moms, businessmen and women and others who have a hard time making space in their schedules for physical activity. This article will highlight two of the best ways to incorporate 10 minute workouts for weight loss.10 Minute Workouts With the KidsOne way to try 10 minute workouts is to incorporate kids into the mix. Often, parents or caretakers cannot find time to workout, because their kids demand so much of their time. To remedy this, it can be a good idea to workout with kids. Take a ten minute walk around the block while kids ride their bikes. Or try doing 10 minutes of a workout video with kids. Try a workout video that has fun music that kids might like..10 Minute Workouts in the MorningsMorning workouts are always the best, because they are finished before the day even begins. Waking up early to do an hour-long exercise routine can be difficult, though, so it is a good idea to only do a 10 minute workout in the morning. Individuals will be more likely to workout in the morning if it is only for 10 minutes..Working out is not easy when work is hectic, family and friend obligations are often and there are lots of things to do at home. But working out is vital for the health. Remember not to push too hard when it comes to working out. It is true, "the more one works out the better," but pushing too hard can make it not happen at all. Take it slow, and make it happen..Short Bike Rides as a 10 Minute WorkoutBiking is a great form of exercise, because it is an excellent form of cardio. Cardio exercise is great for people who want to lose weight, because it burns calories rapidly. People can bike intensely for only a short amount of time and get the same result as if they biked slowly for a long period of time..A Short Interval Run as a 10 Minute WorkoutInterval runs are runs that incorporate interval training. Interval training is when the person working out works out intensely for one minute, then slows it down for one minute. This back and forth continues for 10 minutes (or more if the person desires). This type of working out is excellent, because it uses "after burn" during the less intense minutes (when calories are still being burned), and of course, because it can be done in only 10 minutes with great results.

Which is a more effective weight loss strategy, increased exercise or eating fewer calories?

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Asked by Wiki User

he most effective weight loss strategy often involves a combination of both increased physical activity and a reduction in calorie intake. The rationale behind this is based on the energy balance equation, which involves calories in (what you eat) versus calories out (what you burn).

Where online can I find out about weight loss?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are literally thousand of places online where you can find out about weight loss. Some of the sites you should go to is,

Weight Loss Solutions ?

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Asked by Wiki User

form_title=Weight Loss Solutions form_header= Be the best you and the healthiest you with weight loss solutions! What diets have you tried before?*= _ Do you live an active lifestyle?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure Do you eat a balanced diet?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure How many times a week do you exercise?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Not Sure}

What is a dieabetic diet?

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There is much controversy regarding what diet to recommend to sufferers of diabetes mellitus. The diet most often recommended is high in dietary fiber, especially soluble fiber, but low in fat (especially saturated fat). Recommendations of the fraction of total calories to be obtained from carbohydrate intake range from 1/6 to 75% - a 2006 review found recommendations varying from 40 to 65%.[1] Patients may be encouraged to reduce their intake of carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index

The goal of a diabetic diet is to avoid any surges in the blood glucose levels at any time of the day. This can be easily accomplished by following a "three meals and three small snacks" pattern. Portion control, avoiding foods that cause the sugar levels to soar (e.g. sugars, sweets) and choosing foods high in fiber are also the key to maintaining a near normal level of blood sugar throughout the day. A diet rich in fiber can help by slowing down or reducing the absorption/release of glucose into the blood stream. Diabetics are also more prone to developing heart diseases, so a diet low in total fat will help to prevent heart diseases in the near future.

OptionEarly MorningBreakfastMid MorningLunchEveningDinnerBedtime

1Tea or Coffee (with 1% fat milk)Wheat flakes, 1 % fat milkAppleBrown Rice, Mixed Veg Khadi (no pakora), Bhindi sabzi/palya, Cucumber salad, Buttermilk (Chaach)Sprouted Black Channa ChaatWhole Wheat Phulkas/ Rotis (no oil/ghee), Palak tofu, Mixed Veg Salad, Yogurt (Fat free)Milk (1%fat)2WalnutsVeg upma (less oil)ApricotWhole Wheat Phulkas/ Rotis(no oil/ghee), Carrot Peas Sabzi/palya, Dal fry, Tomato raitaBaked Vegetarian CutletsBrown rice, Capsicum Curry, Veg Sambar, Tomato salad, Yogurt (fat free)Marie lite3Karela juiceVegetable sandwiches (100% whole wheat bread)GrapefruitKichidi (with mixed veg), Khadi (no pakora), Steamed broccoli( with salt/pepper)Sprouted Moong DalRagi Rotis, Dal Palak, Beans Sabzi/palya, Mixed Veg raitaRusks4Green teaDalia porridge, (with 1% fat milk,no sugar)Papaya100% Whole Wheat Tortillas, Grilled Chicken, Tomato Salsa, Green SaladIdli with sambarBrown rice, Collard Greens Sabzi/palya, Channa masala, Cabbage and green papaya saladRagi porridge/kanji5Wheat grass juiceOatmeal porridge (with 1% fat milk,no sugar)CanteloupeClear Tomato soup, Wheat rolls, Tuna Salad, Yogurt (fat free)Baked Beans on toast (100% wheat bread)Whole Wheat Turkey Wrap, Asparagus stir-fry, Cucumber saladMilk (1%fat)

Complex carbohydrates from whole grains combined with good amounts of fiber and low quantities of fats are great recipes to control your blood sugar. Consult with your dietitian to monitor your diet according to your blood glucose levels.

What is one of the most important rule to remember about healthy eating?

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Asked by Wiki User

One of the most important rules to remember about healthy eating is to focus on balance and moderation. This means including a variety of nutrient-rich foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, while also being mindful of portion sizes and not overeating.

What is the absolute fastest way to lose weight?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is an excellent channel to help you lose weight: just search for Tanya Camburn on YouTube @KillerAbs

What are some easy weight loss tips?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure! Here are some easy weight loss tips that can help you on your journey to shedding pounds. Firstly, focus on drinking plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and avoid unnecessary snacking. Secondly, prioritize filling your plate with fruits and vegetables, which are low in calories but high in fiber and nutrients, helping you feel full and satisfied. Additionally, aim to reduce your intake of sugary drinks and snacks, opting for healthier alternatives instead. Incorporating regular exercise into your routine, even if it's just a brisk walk or a quick workout at home, can also aid in weight loss by burning calories and boosting metabolism. Lastly, prioritize getting enough quality sleep each night, as lack of sleep can disrupt your hunger hormones and lead to overeating. By implementing these simple tips, you can gradually achieve your weight loss goals in a sustainable and healthy way.

What is the safest way to lose belly fat without surgery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Losing belly fat safely without surgery while following a ketogenic (keto) diet involves a combination of dietary changes, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

Follow a Well-Formulated Keto Diet: Focus on consuming high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carbohydrate foods. This can help your body enter a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. Ensure you're getting a variety of nutrients from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, olive oil, and low-carb vegetables.

Monitor Caloric Intake: While the keto diet can lead to weight loss through its effect on metabolism, it's still essential to monitor your calorie intake. Even on keto, consuming more calories than your body needs can prevent weight loss. Pay attention to portion sizes and aim for a moderate calorie deficit if weight loss is your goal.

Incorporate Strength Training: Building muscle mass through strength training exercises can help increase your metabolism and promote fat loss, including belly fat. Aim for at least two to three sessions of strength training per week, focusing on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and lunges.

Include Cardiovascular Exercise: While not strictly necessary for weight loss on a keto diet, cardiovascular exercise can still aid in burning additional calories and improving overall health. Incorporate activities like walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming into your routine for at least 150 minutes per week.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for overall health and can also help with weight loss by promoting satiety and supporting metabolism. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, or more if you're physically active or live in a hot climate.

Manage Stress: Chronic stress can contribute to weight gain and belly fat retention. Practice stress-reducing activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or spending time in nature to help manage stress levels.

Get Sufficient Sleep: Lack of sleep can disrupt hormone levels related to hunger and satiety, leading to increased cravings and weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support weight loss and overall health.

Be Patient and Consistent: Losing belly fat takes time and consistency. Set realistic goals, track your progress, and stay committed to your healthy lifestyle changes.

Why is it important to drink plenty of water every day?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need about 8 regular sized glasses of water (2 litres in total) to simply MAINTAIN your body. This replaces the moisture lost throughout the day from normal bodily functions such as breathing, sweating, urination etc. If you're more active with sports or the temperature is particularly higher than usual you will need even more water in order to replace lost body fluid.

How to loss 3kgs weight in just 10 days?

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Asked by Shailesh Patel

Looking to shed 3 kilograms in just 10 days? While that sounds tempting, it's important to approach weight loss in a healthy and sustainable way that considers your well-being. Here's a more realistic approach:

Setting Attainable Goals:

"Setting realistic weight loss goals is like planning a road trip with your GPS set to 'Enjoy the Scenic Route.' You'll get there, and the journey will be a lot more enjoyable!"

Balanced Eating:

"Eating a balanced diet is like arranging a potluck dinner with your body's favorite organs. The heart loves the veggies, the muscles crave protein, and the brain insists on those healthy fats!"

Mindful Portions:

"Mastering portion control is like being a food magician - you make a small plate look and feel like a grand banquet!"

Calorie Awareness:

"Counting calories is like a treasure hunt for grown-ups. You're on a quest to find the perfect balance of delicious and nutritious!"

Regular Exercise:

"Exercising regularly is like a daily dance-off with your inner couch potato. Spoiler alert: You've got some smooth moves!"

Staying Hydrated:

"Staying hydrated is like giving your body a standing ovation every time you fill up your water bottle. You're the star of your own hydration show!"

Timing Strategies:

"Trying intermittent fasting is like playing hide-and-seek with your breakfast. Don't worry; it's just hiding, not running away forever!"

Minimize Sugary and Processed Foods:

"Cutting back on sugary and processed foods is like unfriending junk food on social media. It's time to detox your snack list!"

Quality Sleep:

"Prioritizing sleep is like giving your body a 'Do Not Disturb' sign. Even your dreams will thank you for the VIP treatment!"

Stress Management:

"Managing stress is like being a ninja in the art of relaxation. You're mastering the ancient technique of 'Zen-fu'!"

Professional Support:

"Seeking professional support is like hiring a personal food guru. They're the Yoda of nutrition, guiding you toward a healthier galaxy!"

How do you easily lose weight if you are not overweight?

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Asked by Wiki User

Getting in shape when you're not overweight requires a reasonable and solid way to deal with keep up with your prosperity. Here are a few hints to assist you with effectively dealing with your weight:

Adjusted Diet: Center around keeping a fair eating regimen with different supplements. Incorporate a lot of organic products, vegetables, lean proteins, entire grains, and solid fats in your feasts.

Segment Control: Be aware of piece sizes. Abstain from gorging, and pay attention to your body's appetite prompts. Eating gradually can assist you with perceiving when you're full.

Customary Activity: Integrate standard active work into your everyday practice. Go for the gold of cardio, strength preparing, and adaptability activities to remain dynamic and work on your general wellness.

Hydration: Remain all around hydrated by drinking a lot of water over the course of the day. Some of the time, thirst can be confused with hunger.

Careful Eating: Focus on what you eat. Keep away from interruptions like sitting in front of the television or working while at the same time eating. Careful eating can assist you with settling on better food decisions.

Limit Handled Food varieties: Limit handled and fatty, low-supplement food sources. These can add to weight gain and may not give fundamental supplements.

Ordinary Rest: Guarantee you get sufficient quality rest. Absence of rest can influence your digestion and hunger control.

Stress The board: Stress can prompt close to home eating. Track down sound ways of overseeing pressure, like reflection, yoga, or unwinding procedures.

Social Help: Encircle yourself with a strong interpersonal organization. Offering your wellness and wellbeing objectives to companions or family can assist you with remaining responsible.

Standard Wellbeing Check-ups: Plan normal check-ups with your medical services supplier to screen your wellbeing and get direction on keeping a sound weight.

Keep in mind, the objective isn't to get more fit quickly yet to deal with your weight in an economical and sound manner. Talk with a medical care proficient or an enlisted dietitian on the off chance that you have explicit worries or inquiries regarding your weight the board venture.

What is the perfect medicine for losing weight?

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There isn't a single "perfect" medicine for losing weight, as weight loss can be influenced by various factors including diet, exercise, metabolism, and overall health. However, there are medications approved by healthcare professionals to aid in weight loss when combined with lifestyle changes.

Some common weight loss medications include:

Orlistat (Alli, Xenical): Orlistat works by blocking the absorption of fat in the intestine. It is typically prescribed in combination with a reduced-calorie diet and exercise for people with obesity.

Phentermine (Adipex-P, Lomaira): Phentermine is an appetite suppressant that can help with short-term weight loss. It is usually prescribed for individuals who are obese and have not been able to lose weight through diet and exercise alone.

Liraglutide (Saxenda): Liraglutide is a medication originally developed to treat type 2 diabetes but has also been approved for weight loss. It works by slowing digestion and reducing appetite.

Bupropion/naltrexone (Contrave): This medication is a combination of two drugs that work together to reduce appetite and cravings. Bupropion is an antidepressant and smoking cessation aid, while naltrexone is used to treat alcohol and opioid dependence.

It's important to note that these medications are typically prescribed under the guidance of a healthcare provider and are intended for individuals with a BMI (Body Mass Index) above a certain threshold, or for those with weight-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure. Additionally, medication alone is not a comprehensive solution for weight loss; it should be combined with lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet and regular exercise for long-term success. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss medication.

Why would you have watery poop?

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Asked by Syd2405

Watery poop can be caused by consuming foods or drinks that have a high water content, infections such as viral gastroenteritis, bacterial infections like E. coli or Salmonella, or conditions like irritable bowel syndrome. It can also be a side effect of medications, such as antibiotics. If you have persistent watery poop, it's important to consult a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and treatment.

Can fat kill you?

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Yes, consuming excessive amounts of unhealthy fats over time can lead to a variety of health issues such as obesity, heart disease, and stroke. It's important to consume fats in moderation and focus on healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

How does one lose arm muscle?

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You can lose arm muscle by reducing overall calorie intake, implementing a lower protein diet, and incorporating more cardiovascular exercise into your routine while limiting strength training workouts targeting the arms. It's important to note that losing muscle should always be done in a healthy and balanced way, under the guidance of a healthcare professional.