


Death and Dying

This category is for questions relating to the process of death and dying, and general questions about death.

500 Questions

Can you take two hydrocodone 10 mg each and a trammadol together50 mg?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not recommended to take hydrocodone and tramadol together as they are both opioid medications and can increase the risk of side effects like drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty breathing. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before combining these medications.

What does a 47.1 white blood cell count mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

A white blood cell count of 47.1 indicates leukocytosis, which means an elevated number of white blood cells in the body. This can be due to infections, inflammation, stress, or other medical conditions. Further evaluation by a healthcare provider is recommended to determine the underlying cause.

What is the most effective sleeping pill?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most effective sleeping pill can vary depending on individual needs and preferences. Common options include medications like zolpidem (Ambien), eszopiclone (Lunesta), or ramelteon (Rozerem). It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best option for your specific situation.

Is bereavement bad?

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Asked by DiamondXmas

Bereavement is a normal and natural response to losing someone you care about. It can be a difficult and challenging process, but it is an important part of the healing and grieving process. Seeking support from loved ones or a mental health professional can help you navigate through this difficult time.

Is there any irony in an old man by guy de maupassant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, "An Old Man" by Guy de Maupassant contains irony. The story follows an old man who wants to die, but every time he finds a dangerous situation, he ends up surviving. This irony highlights the character's desire for death contrasted with his inability to achieve it.

With pneumothorax what is the life expectancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The life expectancy for a pneumothorax depends on various factors, such as the underlying cause and the severity of the condition. With prompt medical treatment, most individuals with a pneumothorax can recover fully and have a normal life expectancy. However, untreated or severe cases of pneumothorax can be life-threatening.

Has the first 200-year-old already been born?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is unlikely that the first 200-year-old has already been born, as current life expectancy averages around 70-80 years. However, advancements in technology and healthcare may increase the likelihood of people living much longer in the future.

How long does it take to die when you inhale helium?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you just inhaled a bit from a party balloon you would not die, though there have been cases of people becoming unconscious.

People have died from trying to inhale helium directly from a helium gas cylinder. They died because the pressure of the gas punctured their lungs and the surrounding blood vessels, and they drowned in their own blood. CPR is no use in this case. This would have happened with any gas, even a cylinder of oxygen. It was the intense pressure that did the damage, not the gas.

People died who crawled up inside a helium filled balloon. Helium is not poisonous, but they died from lack of oxygen. Air has a normal load of 21% oxygen, which is enough to keep us living. In that case, they were breathing helium with no oxygen, and they would suffer a sudden and immediate lowering of the oxygen levels in their blood. They would lose consciousness as they were trying to grab a second breath. If they continue to breathe the pure helium they would die in a few minutes from hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Does extra weight cause shortness of breath?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, carrying extra weight can put excess strain on the lungs and heart, leading to shortness of breath. Excess weight can also contribute to conditions such as sleep apnea and asthma, which can further exacerbate breathing difficulties. Losing weight through diet and exercise can help improve breathing and overall health.

Why do some dead bodies have there shoes and socks removed?

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Asked by 10jcornell

In forensic investigations, shoes and socks may be removed from a dead body to facilitate examination and collection of evidence, such as trace materials, injuries, or decompositional changes on the feet. Additionally, removing footwear may help with body identification or determining the cause of death.

Why dont elderly people get involved in sport?

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Asked by Wiki User

Elderly people may not get involved in sports due to physical limitations, lack of interest, fear of injury, or simply not prioritizing physical activity. Additionally, some elderly individuals may not have easy access to sports facilities or may not be aware of opportunities for sports participation targeted towards their age group.

Why do you think cancer is more common in older people than in younger ones?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cancer is more common in older people due to accumulated genetic mutations and environmental exposures over time. As we age, our cells have had more opportunities to accumulate mutations that can lead to cancer development. Older individuals may also have weaker immune systems, making them more susceptible to cancer growth.

Can you die by seeing an ugly person?

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Asked by Mnmast45

No, it is not possible to die from simply seeing an ugly person. Beauty is subjective and there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that looking at someone unattractive can cause death.

What is the common age that people retire?

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Asked by Wiki User

The common retirement age is around 65 years old, as this is when most people become eligible for full Social Security benefits in the United States. However, retirement age can vary depending on individual preferences, financial situations, and career paths.

Where can you get euthanasia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Euthanasia is illegal in many countries and only allowed in limited circumstances in others. In places where euthanasia is legal, it is typically administered by a healthcare professional in a hospital or clinic setting after meeting certain legal and medical criteria. Consult with a qualified healthcare provider for more information on the laws and options available in your area.

How do you handle senile people?

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Asked by Wiki User

When interacting with senile individuals, it's important to approach them with patience, kindness, and understanding. Use simple language, maintain eye contact, and try to create a calm environment to minimize confusion and agitation. It may also be helpful to involve family members or caregivers in the care and support of senile individuals.

In Michigan can a dpoa invoke a dnr if the pt has signed a living will stating they want CPR?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) typically does not have the authority to override a patient's express wishes contained in a living will, such as wanting CPR. If the patient has decided to receive CPR in their living will, the DNR order cannot override that decision. It is important to consult with a legal professional for guidance in such situations.

What if your dog has foam around the mouth after drinking water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Foaming around the mouth after drinking water can be normal for some dogs, especially if they drink quickly or vigorously. It could also be a sign of excitement or excess saliva production. However, if the foaming is persistent, accompanied by other symptoms like lethargy or difficulty breathing, it is best to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

Will it ever be possible to live forever?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of now, there is no scientific evidence or technology that allows for immortality or living forever. While advancements in medicine and technology may be able to extend lifespan in the future, achieving immortality is currently not within the realm of possibility.

What percent of all humans during the past ten thousand years lived to be 65?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is estimated that before the 20th century, around 1-2% of the global population lived to be 65 or older. In modern times, with improvements in healthcare and living conditions, this percentage has increased significantly.

How can we stop death?

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Asked by Wiki User

Death is a natural part of life and cannot be stopped. However, advancements in medical technology and healthcare can help prevent premature deaths by treating diseases and promoting healthy lifestyles. Accepting the inevitability of death can also lead to a focus on living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Why people don't live forever?

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Asked by Wiki User

People do not live forever due to biological limitations such as cellular aging, DNA damage, and the eventual decline of organ function. Our bodies are designed to sustain us for a certain period of time before succumbing to these natural processes of aging and decay. Additionally, living forever would present challenges related to overpopulation, resource scarcity, and the impact on the environment.

What is the average life expectancy in Cyprus?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average life expectancy in Cyprus is around 81 years.

When you are fifty are you old?

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Asked by Wiki User

Age is subjective and can be defined in different ways. Some may consider fifty to be middle-aged while others may consider it to be older. It ultimately depends on individual perspectives and experiences.

What does death takes no bribes mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Its a saying which personifies Death as if he was a person who one could offer a bribe to. It then says that Death will not accept bribes.

This means that if death was a person he would not accept bribes or be swayed from his job of taking you from this life.

Similar sayings:

There is no dodging death.

You can't cheat death.

Death is inevitible.

You can't bargin with death.