

Commas Colons and Semicolons

Commas, colons and semicolons are commonly used punctuation marks. Commas are commonly used in listing items or after a phrase while colons are used to introduce or announce. Semicolons are used to create breaks or pauses.

500 Questions

Do you need to put a comma after a date?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends on how you describe the date.

1 January 2000. YES

1 Jan. 2000 = YES

1.1.2000 = YES

1/1/2000 NO .

Jan. 1. 2000 YES ( USA dating system).

What is an example of using commas to set off explanatory words in dialogue?

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Sure! An example could be: "I am curious, " she said, "about the new project you mentioned."

Should there be a comma after a man by the name of?

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Yes, there should be a comma after "a man by the name of" when it is used to introduce a specific person's name. For example: "A man by the name of John,..."

What is characterized by two independent clauses that are incorrectly joined by a comma?

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A comma splice is characterized by two independent clauses that are incorrectly joined by a comma. This error occurs when two complete thoughts are separated by a comma without the appropriate conjunction or punctuation.

How would you punctuate this sentence Stevens first novel was a best seller consequently he has been on the talk show circuit?

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Asked by Tbear0317

Steven's first novel was a best seller; consequently, he has been on the talk show circuit.

This sentence contains two independent clauses. To avoid a run-on sentence or a comma splice, this example uses a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb ("consequently") to separate the independent clauses.

Where does the period and comma go when working with a quotation mark?

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Asked by Wiki User

British style places commas and periods that are not part of the quoted material outside of the quotation marks. Also, in technical applications or when discussing coding, punctuation that is not part of a text string should be placed outside of the quotes. Placing commas and periods inside the quotes implies that they are part of the string to be displayed.

Why do you put a comma after the author name in a sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

The comma after the author's name in a sentence is part of the standard punctuation rules that separate the author's name from the rest of the sentence. It helps to clarify and structure the information being presented, making it easier for the reader to understand the citation or attribution.

Do you put a comma between a book and the author?

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Asked by Wiki User

Last year our class read, Of Mice and Men, a story by john smith

Does the comma go before or after the quotation marks if it is followed by an independent clause?

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In American English, the comma typically goes before the closing quotation marks if it is followed by an independent clause. For example: "I like to read books," she said.

When to use a semi colons in a story?

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Semi-colons can be used in a story to separate two related independent clauses without using a conjunction. They can also be used to separate items in a list if the items contain commas. Additionally, semi-colons can be used to connect closely related sentences or ideas in a way that enhances the flow of the narrative.

Where does the comma go when using the word but?

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Asked by Wiki User

It goes before. Like "I was going to, but I decided not to."

Do Found Poems use Comma's?

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Yes, found poems can incorporate commas if they are present in the original source text. The use of punctuation, including commas, in found poems typically depends on the original source material that the poem is derived from.

What does semi colon mean in poetry?

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Asked by Wiki User

In poetry, a semi-colon can be used to create a pause or a break in the flow of a sentence. It can also be used to connect two related ideas or images. The use of a semi-colon in poetry is a stylistic choice that can add complexity and depth to the meaning of a poem.

Where do i add a comma in a sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can add a comma in a sentence before a coordinating conjunction like "and," "but," or "or" when joining two independent clauses. Commas are also used to set off introductory phrases, separate items in a list, or to create clarity in complex sentences.

What is a poet's word for before?

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A poet could use 'fore, in the same manner as e'er. (pronounced "air")

The reason for this is to reduce the number of syllables in a line that represent the meaning being used.

This is the same reason that poetry often omits the articles A, AN, THE or uses commas instead of conjunctions, within a line or between lines.

When I delivered the newspaper I saw Mrs. Sampson at the window'. where does the comma go?

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Asked by Wiki User

The comma should go after "newspaper," so the sentence would read: "When I delivered the newspaper, I saw Mrs. Sampson at the window."

Is comma required in salutation of an editorial letter?

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A comma is not required in the salutation of an editorial letter. You can use either a comma or a colon after the recipient's name. For example, "Dear Editor," or "Dear Editor:".

What is proper punctuation for listing survivors in obituary?

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The proper punctuation for listing survivors in an obituary is to separate each person's name with a comma. For example: "She is survived by her husband, John Smith, her children, Emily and Mark, and her siblings, Sarah and Michael."

Can you put commas in block letter format?

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Asked by Wiki User

Block letter format typically does not include punctuation like commas. However, if you wanted to include commas in a block letter design, you can simply place them in the same position as you would in regular text, just with the larger block letter style.

How many spaces after a colon in bibliography for APA 6th edition?

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Asked by Wiki User

There should be one space after a colon in a bibliography for APA 6th edition.

Should I put a comma in the sentence All children ages birth to 5 years of age?

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Yes, the correct punctuation is: "All children, ages birth to 5 years of age..." The comma helps to separate the introductory phrase "All children" from the specific age range that follows.

What is a colon in writing terms?

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A colon in writing is a punctuation mark (:) used to introduce a list, explanation, or quotation. It is also used to separate hours from minutes in time notation.

What does commas in a series?

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Asked by Wiki User

Commas in a series are used to separate three or more items listed in a sentence. For example, in the phrase "apples, oranges, and bananas," the comma after "oranges" is the comma in the series. It helps clarify the individual items in the list.

Who is logo is a big red comma?

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Asked by Wiki User

The logo with a big red comma belongs to the fashion brand, "Comme des Garçons." It is a Japanese brand known for its avant-garde designs and collaborations with various artists and designers. The logo symbolizes the brand's creative and unconventional approach to fashion.

Does a comma always go before quotation marks?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most common usage of quotation signify one of three things: dialogue, titles, and quotes. For dialogue and quotes, there will almost always be a comma before the quotation starts. For titles, this won't always be the case.