


Authors, Poets, and Playwrights

Includes questions about the lives and families of writers as well as about their written works.

500 Questions

What is important's of microscopic examination test from criminal standpoint?

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Asked by Wiki User

Microscopic examination is important in criminal investigations to analyze trace evidence such as fibers, hair, and gunshot residue. This analysis can provide crucial information such as linking a suspect to a crime scene, identifying potential weapons or tools used, and establishing timelines of events. The results of microscopic examination can be used as strong evidence in court to support or refute claims made by involved parties.

What are the reasons for juvenile crime?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some reasons for juvenile crime include peer pressure, lack of parental supervision, exposure to violence or substance abuse, poverty, and educational challenges. Other factors such as mental health issues and a history of trauma can also contribute to juvenile delinquency.

Which crime prevention programs focus on reducing recidivism rates?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some crime prevention programs that focus on reducing recidivism rates include cognitive-behavioral therapy, vocational training programs, substance abuse treatment, and restorative justice programs. These programs aim to address the root causes of criminal behavior and provide individuals with the skills and support they need to reintegrate into society successfully.

What are the role of barangay tanod in relation to crime prevention?

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Asked by Wiki User

Barangay tanods play a vital role in crime prevention by monitoring and patrolling their communities to deter criminal activities. They also assist in maintaining peace and order by reporting suspicious behavior to the authorities and engaging with community members to promote safety awareness. Additionally, they often collaborate with the police to address security concerns and implement crime prevention initiatives at the barangay level.

Why do you think people are so fascinated by crime and criminals?

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Asked by Wiki User

People are fascinated by crime and criminals due to a natural curiosity about the darker aspects of human behavior, a desire to understand what drives people to commit crimes, and the excitement of exploring the unknown and often sensationalized world of criminal activity. Additionally, the media tends to sensationalize crime stories, which can further contribute to public interest in this topic.

How did police catch criminals in the 1880's?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the 1880s, police caught criminals through a combination of detective work, informants, eyewitnesses, and physical evidence. They relied on developing clues and following up leads to track down suspects and gather evidence for prosecution. Police also used wanted posters, rewards, and community cooperation to apprehend criminals.

What is the pathway to delinquency to the program of research on the causes and correlates of delinquency?

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Asked by Wiki User

The pathway to delinquency refers to the factors that contribute to individuals engaging in delinquent behavior, such as family dynamics, peer influence, and socio-economic status. The program of research on the causes and correlates of delinquency aims to identify and understand these factors in order to develop effective prevention and intervention strategies to reduce delinquent behavior. By studying these causes and correlates, researchers can gain insight into the underlying mechanisms that lead individuals to engage in delinquent acts.

Why is crime a social phenomenon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crime is a social phenomenon because it is influenced by various social factors such as poverty, inequality, lack of opportunities, and social norms. People's behavior is shaped by their interactions with others and by the social environment they live in, which can either encourage or discourage criminal activities. Additionally, societal reactions to crime, such as laws and law enforcement practices, play a key role in defining and responding to criminal behavior.

Who was the originter of psychoanalytic theory which suggest that criminal suffered from deep seated problems?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sigmund Freud was the originator of psychoanalytic theory, which suggests that individuals can display criminal behavior due to deep-seated psychological issues or unresolved conflicts. Freud believed that unconscious desires and past experiences could influence criminal behavior.

Who is typically responsible for preparing the predisposition report for juvenile justice?

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Asked by Wiki User

A probation officer or juvenile counselor is typically responsible for preparing the predisposition report for juvenile justice. This report includes information about the juvenile's background, family, school, and previous offenses to help the judge make an appropriate decision on sentencing or rehabilitation.

Why is it important to study juvenile delinquency?

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Asked by Wiki User

Studying juvenile delinquency is important because it helps to understand the root causes of criminal behavior in young people and develop effective prevention and intervention strategies. By identifying risk factors early on, it is possible to address issues before they escalate into more serious criminal behavior. Additionally, studying juvenile delinquency is crucial for shaping policies and programs that promote the rehabilitation and reintegration of youth offenders back into society.

How many brother's and sister's did mr criminal have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mr. Criminal had 3 brothers and 2 sisters.

What do ethnologists do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ethnologists study and compare cultures, focusing on the social behaviors, customs, traditions, and practices of different groups of people. They often conduct fieldwork to observe and document cultural practices and analyze the significance of these behaviors within their respective societies. Ethnologists seek to understand how cultural diversity shapes human societies and social interactions.

What was the punishment for the most offenses under Craco's Code?

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Asked by Wiki User

Under Craco's Code, the punishment for the most offenses was death. The code was known for its strict and severe penalties, including capital punishment for a wide range of crimes such as theft, adultery, and treason.

What are the major goals of criminal investigation?

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Asked by Wiki User

The major goals of criminal investigation are to determine if a crime has been committed, identify the person responsible, gather evidence to support an arrest and prosecution, and bring the perpetrator to justice. Investigators also aim to protect the rights of the accused and ensure the integrity of the judicial process.

Who is responsible for developing the concept of crime prevention?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crime prevention has been developed by various individuals and organizations including law enforcement agencies, criminologists, and government policymakers. The idea of crime prevention emphasizes proactive measures to reduce the occurrence of criminal activities by addressing underlying causes and risk factors.

Should criminals receive rehabilitation before going back into society?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, providing rehabilitation to criminals can help address the underlying issues that led to their criminal behavior and reduce the likelihood of them reoffending when they return to society. Rehabilitation programs can include therapy, education, job training, and substance abuse treatment to help individuals reintegrate successfully.

What is crimminal recidivism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Criminal recidivism refers to the tendency for individuals to reoffend and engage in criminal behavior after being released from prison or completing a previous sentence. It is often influenced by factors such as past criminal history, substance abuse, lack of social support, and limited access to resources that could help prevent reoffending. Efforts to reduce recidivism typically involve interventions focused on rehabilitation, education, skill-building, and providing support for reintegration into society.

What is ethnoscience?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ethnoscience is a branch of anthropology that studies how different cultures classify, understand, and utilize the natural world around them. It explores the ways in which indigenous and traditional knowledge systems shape people's perceptions of their environment and influence their behaviors. Ethnoscience highlights the diversity of human thought and knowledge across cultures.

From where did Indigenous peoples in America come?

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Asked by Wiki User

Indigenous peoples in America are descendants of the earliest settlers who migrated to the Americas over thousands of years ago from Asia via the Bering land bridge. They established distinct cultures, languages, and civilizations across North and South America.

What is conservative juvenile justice?

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Asked by Armymutpnay

Conservative juvenile justice practices typically focus on accountability, punishment, and deterrence for juvenile offenders. This approach emphasizes holding youth responsible for their actions through measures such as confinement, probation, or community service, with the goal of promoting public safety and preventing future criminal behavior.

How does delinquency relate to a status of offenses?

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Asked by Wiki User

Delinquency refers to behavior that is considered criminal or antisocial, typically committed by minors. Status offenses are behaviors that are only considered offenses because of the offender's age, such as truancy or curfew violations. Delinquency can involve status offenses but can also extend to more serious criminal behavior.

What are the Four main types of search methods in a criminal investigation?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four main types of search methods in a criminal investigation are general searches, focused searches, specialized searches, and technical searches. General searches involve surveying a broad area for evidence, while focused searches concentrate on a specific location or individual. Specialized searches utilize specific techniques or tools to uncover evidence, and technical searches involve digital investigation methods to analyze electronic devices for evidence.

What are nature and causes of juvenile deliquency?

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Asked by Wiki User

Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial or criminal behavior by minors. It can be caused by factors such as family dysfunction, peer influence, poverty, lack of parental supervision, substance abuse, mental health issues, and exposure to violence. Prevention efforts often focus on early intervention, positive youth development programs, family support, and community resources.

Discuss the implications of criminological theories within the context of social policy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Criminological theories can inform social policy by helping to understand the root causes of criminal behavior and develop targeted interventions to prevent crime. For example, theories like social learning theory can be used to design programs that aim to reduce delinquent behavior by addressing factors such as peer influences and role models. By aligning social policy with criminological theories, policymakers can develop more effective strategies to promote public safety and reduce crime rates in communities.