the bird, or birdie is what the players hit back and forth. it is in the shape of a cone.
Traversing means skiing back and forth across the fall line
Bring Back Birdie was created in 1981.
it's spelled badminton,brainiac. This is a game played with tennis rackets and a birdie. A birdie is a ball with a plastic net attached to it. The players hit the ball back and forth, and the first person to miss the ball loses. At least, that is the way i play it.
1) You are required to use a badmitton raquet and a birdie 2) This game requires at least 2 players 3) During the game, the players hit the birdie back and forth with their raquets until one person misses it and falls on the ground.
A system in which heavy guard of destroyers escorted the merchant ships back and forth across the Atlantic in groups
A meandering river is one that flows in a winding, back-and-forth pattern across its floodplain. This results in bends and curves known as meanders.
There are two ions that can cross the cell membrane. The positively charged sodium and potassium ions can cross back and forth across the neuron cell membrane.
Most people don't like the sport tennis. It is just soooo boring watching the ball go back and forth.
Traverse refers to movement across, along, back and forth, or up and down.
Only at night.