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The Quaffle is like a soccer ball (or Basketball or hockey puck) that you have to get through the hoops to score ten points. (Each team has three Chasers that try to get the Quaffle past the Keeper and through the hoops).

The Bludgers are the two balls that attack the players. Each team has two Beaters that try to knock the Bludgers away from their players and towards the other team's players.

The Golden Snitch is the most important ball. The team that catches the Snitch earns 150 points and wins the game. Each team has one Seeker that tries to catch the Snitch.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

the 3 balls used

are the quaffle; the ball used to score points, the bludgers; the ball used to try and distract the players, and the golden snitch; the ball that ends the game, and gives 150 points to the team who's seeker caught it

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Quaffle: a red ball, about 12 inches in diameter, Chasers attempt to throw this ball through the hoops to score 10 points

The Bludgers: black, cannonball-like objects made of iron, about 10 inches in diameter, these balls fly around the pitch and attempt to knock players off of their brooms, Beaters use their bats to direct these toward players on the opposing team

The Golden Snitch: a walnut-sized ball, gold with wings, flies around the pitch incredibly fast, Seekers try to catch this ball in order to end the match and win their team 150 points

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The three balls are a snitch, bludger, and quaffle.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Quaffle, the Snitch, and two Bludgers. There are only three types.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The Quaffle, the Bludger, and the Golden Snitch.

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Q: There are 3 types of ball in quidditch What are their names?
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What would be a Quidditch ball's weight be in kilograms?

Depends which ball you're talking about. There are 3 different types of balls. I imagine that the quaffle would be about the weight of a netball ball, but a bludger would be much heavier. And then the snitch is obviously not going to weigh much, it's so small :)

What does Harry Potter play?

Harry Potter plays a game called Quidditch. He is the seeker.

How many Quidditch teams are at Hogwarts?

Positions In Quidditch: 1 Keeper, which is like a goalie. Defending the goal hoops. 1 Seeker, which is chasing after the snitch, trying not to get hit. 2 Beaters, with a bat each, trying to keep the bludger from hitting their team. 3. Chasers, they are the people that score the goals Balls in Quidditch: The Quaffle, a red-brown ball the size of a soccer ball, when thrown in the hoops scores 10 points for the team who threw the ball. The Bludger, a small iron ball, heavy, the beaters use this to try to hit the opposite team's players off their broomsticks The Golden Snitch, a small round ball, lightweight, about he size of an almond, It is pure gold with a small pattern on it, it has 2 feather-like, silver wings, and it's the seeker's job o catch the snitch as it flies The Uniform for Quidditch: The uniform depends on the houses. Gryffindor wear Scarlett robes, gloves and in winter have goggles as well Slytherin's robes are emerald green (same gloves and goggles) Hufflepuff have yellow robes (gloves and goggles) And Ravenclaw have blue (gloves and goggles)

Was Ginny Weasley the captin on the quidditch team?

Books 1-3: Oliver Wood Book 4: Quidditch cancelled for the Triwizard Tournament Book 5: Angelina Johnson Book 6: Harry Potter Book 7: Unknown if Quidditch still held

How many players are on a Quidditch team and what positions do they play?

There are 7 players per team. 3 Chasers, 2 Beaters, 1 Goalkeeper, and 1 Seeker.

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What would be a Quidditch ball's weight be in kilograms?

Depends which ball you're talking about. There are 3 different types of balls. I imagine that the quaffle would be about the weight of a netball ball, but a bludger would be much heavier. And then the snitch is obviously not going to weigh much, it's so small :)

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