I think what you mean is "What is the difference between a 10.5 degree Golf driver and a 9.5 degree golf driver?" A higher degreed driver will give you more loft, so the ball will go higher
It depends what is best for you. The higher the loft the higher the launch angle, therefore depending on your swing and the shaft there could be a greater than ideal spin rate which could rob you of distance. You have to marry the correct shaft for you with the correct loft, this will give you a good launch angle and ideally low spin rate. Any good golf shop will be able to help you find the right driver for you. Don't be afraid to try numerous combinations so you can get the most from your equipment.
The difference between a cold and a bus driver is a bus driver has a course to run and a cold has to run its course.
The main difference between a CD driver and a DVD driver have to do with the protocols that operated individual programs.
The difference is that a chauffeur is a driver always in a white uniform and is more experinced, while a driver is paid less and drives in ordinary clothes.
Graduate driver license has some restrictions, but the Full Driver license dosen't
there is really no difference except woods are like not as powerful as the driver but the woods can be hit in the fairway not the driver
The driver gear has the input torque, and the driven gear has the output torque.
Rider may sleep if he wants. Driver must remain awake at all times.
Nothing. They both make you late for work!
driver is d one who drives vehicles..ryder is d one who rides animals and also racers
Driver IC is device which controls the flow of current through other circuit or other components.
Depends on the specific drivers. It actually is possible that a new driver could be less to ensure than an experienced driver with a bad MVR.
Driver education the teaching of how to drive such as symbols lights, and how to use certain parts of a car. Driver training is actually going and driving a car getting a real feel for it.