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Not sure about Olympics but at the high school level it ranges (for boys) from 5:00 minutes to 4:20, depending on the team, varsity boats generally go under 5 minutes thoughthese times are for my school so i other areas they maybe different. Hope this helps

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

I'm 12, and can run it in 6:15. Maybe quicker now.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

for males, 6 - 6:15 minutes is average. below this time is good, below is not as fast. for females, around 7:00 is average.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

6 minutes

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Q: What is the average time for the 1500 meters rowing?
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To most accurately measure your 2k rowing time on a Concept 2 erg just set it so that you are only erging for 2,000 meters. Even if you don't stop right away the erg does. Once the meters stop you not only see the time time you ended with but you also see your average and how long it took you. Hope this helped!

How much time would it take the sound of thunder to travel 1500 meters if sound travels at a speed of 330 meters per second?

1500 meters/330 meters per second = 4.55 seconds

How do you calculate split time?

A split time is basically the time it takes to run a fraction of a race. If there is a 1500 meter race, there could be split times at 400 meters, 800 meters, and 1200 meters. So the time it took to run the first 400 meters of the 1500 meter race would be called a split time.

How do you convert a 1500 meter time to a mile time?

There are roughly 1600 meters in a miles, so your 1500 meter time multiplied by 1600/1500, or 16/15, would give you a mile time. For example, a 6:00 1500 time would be a 6:24 mile.

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The time it will take to row 4028 miles on a rowing machine will depend on the individual rower's speed and endurance. However, it is important to note that rowing machines typically measure distance in meters, not miles.

What is the Olympics Rowing women's eights rowing record?

For the Sprint race (1000 meters) years (1976, 1980, 1984), the USA (1984) has the lowest time of 2:59.80. In the years since the lowest time for the Endurance race (2000 meters same as the Men's) has been held by Canada (1992) at 6:02.62. The preceding information located at

What is the fastest women's time in the 1500 meters in track un 2008?

3:56.59 by Yelena Soboleva.

How much time would it take for the sound of thunder to travel 1500 meters if sound travels at a speed of 330 meters second?

It would take approximately 4.55 seconds for the sound of thunder to travel 1500 meters at a speed of 330 meters per second. This is calculated by dividing the distance by the speed of sound.

How do you get split times?

Using track events as an example, a split time is the time it takes to run a portion of the race. If you are running the 1500 meter race, you might have split times at 400 meters, 800 meters, and 1200 meters.

If you run a 2.00 800 meters what should be your 1500 meter time be?

well essentially your 1500 meters pace should be a tad bit slower like the splits should have about 2-10 seconds on them for example 2.10 and 2.15. Yours should be around 4.20-4.40 I disagree. A 1500 runner coming up from 400-800 will be double the 800 time plus about 10-15 seconds. A distance runner coming down to 1500 - the 1500 will get down to close to double the 800 time. So 4.05-4.15 depending on what type of 1500 runner you are.

Who won 1500 meters at 1896 Olympics?

That was Teddy Flack of Australia in a time of 4 minutes, 33.2 seconds.