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Hold hands at the back with the elbows close together, fingers interlaced, palms facingout. Hold this position for 4 counts or more. This can be done in standing stride positionor long sitting position.2. Arm CirclingStanding or cross sitting position, raise arms sideward. Circle the arms without bendingthe elbow. Start from a small circle and gradually increase the circumference. Reverse thecircling.3. Arm Push-UpFrom a dog stand position, bend arms so that the chin touches the floor, the elbow is off the floor and the fingers pointing forward.4. Arms SwingFrom a dog stand position, swing right arms sideward backward with slight body twist tothe right, left hand stays on the floor. Do this 8 counts. Do this with the left hand. Repeatas desired.5. Knee Push-UpProne lying position with knees bend, place hands in push-up position. Push the body upto straight arm support then slowly return to starting positin.6. Arm Push-UpFrom a prone lying position, arms in push-up position, push the body up to front armsupport, the body straight. Slowly go down to starting position.Hips, Legs, and Feet7. Knee BendsStarting position; feet together, hands on waist.a.Half-Knee Bend Feet flat on the floor. Hold 8 countsb.Slowly go down to full knees bend and with weight on the balls of the feet---8 counts; slowlycome up to standing position---8 counts.8. Leg RaisingFeet together, arms sideward, raise right leg forward, return to position, do this 4 times.Raise legs sideward, do this 4 times; raise legs backward, do this 4 times. Repeat thewhole movement with the left leg. Do the whole exercise right and left alternately.9. Standing Body Bend BackwardStanding slightly stride, bend trunk backward from the waist, hands on hips.10. Frog Sot or Tailor SitPlace hands on knees and push knees downward ct. and; the return to position, ct. I.11. Kneeling Arch BackKneeling position, arms forward, bend trunk to arch back, right and overhead, left hand infront.12. Long Sitting Rest PositionFrom a long sitting rest position; flex right knee so that the toes are pointed close to theother left knees; stretch to leg raise in front; return to first right and left alternately asdesired.13. Long Sitting Rest Position with Straight Leg RaiseAction: Bend both knees stretch both legs up and lower both slowly to starting position.14. Long Sitting Position with both Legs RaisingFrom a long sitting, hold ankles, bend both knees, stretch both leg upward, hold andreturn to position. Repeat as desired.15. Supine Lying Position with Leg RaiseFrom a supine lying position, raise right leg in rear, return to position. Do the same withthe left leg. Repeat alternating right and left leg as desired.16. Side Lying with Leg Raise SidewardRaise top leg upward, return to starting position. Do this as desired.17. Stride Sitting and Body BendFrom a stride position; arms upward, bend trunk to the right leg. Return to position. Dothe same action to the left leg. Return to position. Raise arms upward bend forward tocenter of the legs, arms touching the feet. Return to position. Repeat as desired.18. Hurdle Sit, Leg stretch, and Trunk BendFrom a hurdle sit position, are overhead, bend trunk to the stretch leg. Hold this positionfor 4-8cts. Return to position and repeat as desired. Change position and repeat as thewhole action.19. Kneeling Position with One Leg Extended ForwardFrom kneeling position, arms overhead; bend trunk to the stretch leg; press body close tothe extended leg. Hold for 4-8cts. Repeat as desired. Change position with the left legextended forward.20. Kneeling Position with One Leg Extended SidewardBody bend sideward. Hold this position for 4-8cts. Repeat as desired. Change positionand dothe same action.Trunk and Abdominal Region21. Lateral BendsStride standing position, raise arm upward, left hand on hips. Bend trunk sideward left pressing the trunk slowly downward. Return to position and change position of the hands.Repeat the bend to the right.22. Bend Trunk BackwardFrom a stride standing position, hands at the back of the thigh (thumb pointing in andfingers pointing outward); bend trunk backward. Stay in this position for 4 cts or more.Return to position.23. Dog Stand Position with Leg Raise in RearFrom a dog stand position extend the right leg in rear toes touching the floor; raise theextended leg upward in rear. Head is held up and the supporting arms straight. Trunk bend from the waist as the leg is raised in rear. Return to starting position and repeat thisaction as desired, right and left alternately.24. Abdominal CurlFrom a supine lying position, hands in front of thigh; lift head forward, then the chest.Hold this position for 4 cts. Return to position and relax. Repeat as desired.25. Supine Lying with Leg Bend and StretchFrom a supine lying position bend knees close to body; stretch the legs upward. Slowlylower the legs to starting position.
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

we can use our mind to how can find the true answer

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βˆ™ 12y ago

For beginning gymnasts the basic poses are: bridge, finish position, and maybe start to do the splits. Higher level gymnastics positions build on that.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

different of gymnestic position with description

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βˆ™ 15y ago

what are the basic position of gymnastic?

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