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NoNo it is not. It is the same as if it had hit the ground. It's no longer "in flight" once it hits an object other than a fielder. It's only an out if the ball is caught "in flight." Bobbling it, or tipping it to another fielder is OK--it can still be caught for an out.
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13y ago

No. Once a batted ball touches a wall it cannot be caught for an out. Finding this in the rules is a little complex. The fielder must catch the ball "in flight." A ball is "in flight" if it hasn't hit the ground or an object other than another fielder (e.g., a wall, umpire, baserunner). Once it hits the wall it is considered a bounding ball and no longer "in flight" even though it hasn't hit the ground yet. It's OK if the fielder just bobbles the ball or even if it's tipped to another fielder--it's still "in flight" and can be caught for an out. Took me quite a while to dig out the precise answer by going through the rules.

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Q: If a baseball bounces off an outfield wall and is then caught would it be considered an out?
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No, As soon as it hits anything other then a player, its a hit. For example, If it hits the bag or the wall or your glove then the wall, its a hit. If it hits someones foot first and then its caught, its a catch

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