

Heart Rate

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Molly Breitenberg

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2y ago
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Cards in this guide (13)
What experienced increased popularity due to a movie named after the sport


What were the cities and years of the Olympic Games which had terrorist disturbances

Munich, 1972, and Atlanta, 1996, were the cities and years of the Olympic Games that had terrorist disturbances.

What is the correct definition for recovery heart rate

Number of beats per minute the heart drops after exercise.

What does your recovery heart rate tell you about your level of fitness

The faster the recovery heart rate drops, the more fit you are.

When is the ideal time to take a resting heart rate

Just after waking in the morning.

What is the correct definition of group team sports

Sports consisting of more than one player on the field or court at a time.

How is the recovery heart rate calculated

Record the number of heartbeats in each 15-second period for two full minutes after exercising :)

Which of the following is a benefit of participating in team sports


What description matches the alternative fitness principle of recovery

A hard day of intense exercising should be followed by an easier day with a lighter workout.

What does the formula 220 - your age tell you

Maximum heart rate

Which of the following is the correct definition for veins

Blood vessels which carry blood from the capillaries toward the heart.

For apex and don't accidentally hit the wrong choice because its maybe a CST test. (;

How does exercise help us be more enthusiastic in life

Both A and B.

a. Exercise stimulates the production of neurotransmitters that produce feelings of well-being

b. Exercise promotes an improved body image and increased self-confidence levels

Skeletal muscles are also known as striated muscles because of their striped appearance


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When is the best time to take a resting heart rate

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Who did the Palestinian terrorists take hostage during the Munich Massacre in 1972

What were the cities and years of the Olympic Games which had terrorist disturbances

What is the correct definition for recovery heart rate

When is the best time to take a resting heart rate

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Who did the Palestinian terrorists take hostage during the Munich Massacre in 1972

What were the cities and years of the Olympic Games which had terrorist disturbances

What is the correct definition for recovery heart rate

What does your recovery heart rate tell you about your level of fitness

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What experienced increased popularity due to a movie named after the sport

What is the correct definition for recovery heart rate

What is the chief benefit of anaerobic exercise

What does your recovery heart rate tell you about your level of fitness

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What were the cities and years of the Olympic Games which had terrorist disturbances

What is the correct definition for recovery heart rate

What is the chief benefit of anaerobic exercise

What does your recovery heart rate tell you about your level of fitness

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