Secretariat's stride was measured at nearly 25 feet.This one of the longest ever recorded,Man O' War was also measured at that distance.Secretariat was probably the greatest thoroughbred ever.
pirates last for about 3 centurys or a couple of years
A pirate's typical career can last anywhere from 6 months to eternity, depending on if the ship is haunted.
Until you retire.
2 to 5 years.
Joey Dunlop won a record (26) Isle of Man TT races during his career.
It depends on what league you are in. However long the league lasts in real life, it lasts in the career mode.
From about 1907 until 1979.
A long narrow racing boat is called a racing shell.
Racing car tyres are made of very soft rubber. This gives them much better traction on the roadway, but they wear away very quickly.
400m long
About a year before she got sick and had to give up.
He was an active musician from 1957-1975, retired, and then came back in 1980.