No. The only NBA rule involving going to college is that you must go to college for at least 1 year to be eligible for the NBA draft.
none you idiot you just need to know how to play the sport duhhh
you dont need a degree to play football
no you don't need a degree...... wow.
No, you do not need a degree however you need to be very very very good at hockey.
No degree is needed to play basketball or become a professional basketball player.
Ugh! well if you were smart you would know that you can play "train a pup" or "dog-a-ma-jig"and you will get a certificate. or you need a code.
First you need to know how to play an instrument; then you can hopefully create your own music, write it, and perform it. All of these qualities are classified as a musician. Now, having a degree in music is different.
You need a PS2 to play the games not a PC
None,you can be in sports but you would have to be really good in academics. If you have bad academics you could be kicked out of school. That's why you don't have to have a college degree to be in sports.
No, there is no education requirements to play baseball.
absolutely. You need a graphics card in order to play any kind of game.