Sensei: in Japanese means person born before another, but more generally means Teacher.
Karate: In Japanese, "kara" means empty and "te" means hand. Karate is a non weapons based martial art that was created in Okinawa because the emperor had banned all weapons and the villagers needed to protect themselves.
The name for a karate instructor varies by tradition from style to style. A lead instructor is a Hanshi by title, but prefers to be called Sensei.
Some schools base it on on rank:
In Japanese it is "Sensei", which also actually is a title given to any teacher, professor, or any other figure of authority in the Japanese language, not just in Martial Arts. The language can vary in other styles such as Korean, Chinese, etc.
Although you can say "master" a lot of teachers I know who haven't let it go to their head prefer NOT to be called "master". The idea behind that is because you can never truly master the martial arts. It is a life long, continuous study.
Sensei is the proper term for the teacher in a dojo. It is used for whomever is teaching the class. Some dojo only use the term for the senior instructor in a school. There are other titles that are awarded or earned, but when talking with the instructor, Sir or Sensei are appropriate as is Mr. xxx or Miss xxx if you know their last name (and you should know their last name).
A karate instructor is not required to have any academic qualifications.
A sensei.
* Teach karate students * Train hard * Go to tournaments * Sparring * Stretch
He delivered more kicks in one night than the karate instructor did in all his years of teaching!
dre's instructor is g.Han
A blackbelt is considered an expert in karate. He/she is called Sempai. However you have to attain 3rd Dan to become an instructor.
The same way that any individual trains and learns karate. They study with an instructor.
kindergarten teacher karate instructor
You don't! Listen to the instructor and don't talk.
His former karate instructor's name is Tom Fabiano.
ahmed said alzakwani
The belt in karate is called an obi. The color scheme for promotions is based on the judo system developed in Japan. The belts provide a visible means for an instructor to tell what level the student is at and what they are learning.