There are two symbols that make up the word karate. Te is translated as hand. The character Kara can be translated in two ways, either empty or China. In the 1930's the Okinawa masters gathered and agreed that they would use the word empty for the art.
It is called an obi
a teacher in karate is called a "sensei" (meaning teacher in Japanese - pronounced sen-sey) but to be a sensei you have to be a black belt. so a red belt teacher shouldn't exist, and if they do they won't be very good as red is only the second belt
A person who does judo is called a Judoka (student) or a Sensei (teacher).
Karate blocks are called uke in Japanese. We pronounce it as "ooke"
karate is Japanese
the next kaigan karate belt after white is orange
a kimono belt is called an obi
Japanese Shotokan Karate is taught on Okinawa. The roots of Shotokan are in Shorin Ryu karate, most of the kata can be identified as being the same.
Karate is a Japanese word.
Empty hand is Karate, a Japanese martial art.
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips.