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It does not mean you are pregnent your fine

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Q: Your nipples are really sore and im cramping im not supposed to start your period for 2 weeks and ive never had your nipples sore before Could you be pregnant?
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Is cramping normal before missed period during pregnancy?

If your pregnant, cramping is usual. But if you're not and you missed your period that usually means your pregnant now with a bundle of joy.

Are nipples that have been sensitive and having a burning sensation when anything touches them for over a week and having cramping and a white discharge signs of pregnancy?

I don't think so- that's happened to me before, and I've never been pregnant and am not.

Could you be pregnant if you are having to use the bathroom more often than before and have sore nipples?

No you do not need to be pregnant.

Are you having early pregnancy symptoms if you have had cramping on your left side about a week after ovulation and your nipples have been hard and sensitive?

Pregnancy symptoms can start as early as the day of conception, if it is a week before your period there are tests you can take a week before your period that will tell you if you are pregnant or not but a definite sign is a missed period.

Could cramping 4 weeks before period sore nipples and frequent urination mean pregnancy?

Those are all possible signs of pregnancy.

Im 3 days late on my period and i been having these cramping is that normal can i be pregnant?

um i dont think so because its happend to me before and i werent pregnant:) x

You are not pregnant but your nipples hurt only when touched by your partner?

Nipple soreness can also be a PMS symptom. It doesn't always happen if you are pregnant, it could happen before you have your period as well.

If you have cramping and slight back pain 10 days before your period but no PMS systems 3 days before your period is due could that mean you are pregnant?

yes cause it happen to me

Why smell a strong blood odor while spotting?

I have been trying really hard to get pregnant this past month and I have alot of concern. I have had a strong odor while urination for the whole month and now I have spotting before my period supposed to be here. What should I do ? I have cramping too and the color of the blood turning to brown.

Do you have to be pregnant to produce any liquids from your breasts nipples by having them sucked?

No, in some cases men even lactate from their nipples.<p></p><p> </p><div>No. You will eventually stimulate the milk ducts; assuming you are female. This is also more likely if you have been pregnant before and had children.<br></div>

Do all dogs nipples get large before birth?

Yes they do. They get full of baby milk. So they will enlarge.

How do you know your lab is pregnant?

Well, I thought my dog was pregnant, and she was. But her babies died in her. You will notice an increase in weight gain. Also, her nipples will get fat. I recommend taking her to a vet. That is the best before it's to late.