

You get sharp pains in your breast and your feet?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: You get sharp pains in your breast and your feet?
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it's just your foot falling asleep, personally i like it.

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What does it mean when you have sharp pains in your breasts?

This is one of those questions where you really need to see a doctor for the answer. Sharp pains ANYWHERE on your body are not good sign. And no one is going to be able to diagnose you with just one symptom, such as sharp pain. If you're looking for someone to say that sharp pains in your breasts are normal, or if you're looking for someone to say that sharp pains definitely mean one thing or the other for sure, no one on here can do that for you. ~ T

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Not from the pregnancy.If you have sharp pains in your stomach, it is probably gas. If the pains don't go away within a few hours, or are very severe, see a health practitioner.