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Q: Would having an Olympic Games on the planets Sun and Moon based on the gravity factors effect the results of the events such as high jump diving and other Olympic events?
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Why are the planets not sucked in by the suns gravity?

the planets are situated at the orbit shell of the sun, ie they are continuously in a falling motion....however, due to the spherical shape of the sun...their falling motion never results in a collision....if the gravity of the sun was even fractionally lesser....the planets closest to the sun would change from an elliptical path to following a spiral one until they ultimately collapse in the sun....hope i helped

Why do the planets all stay in orbit around the sun and not drift off into empty spaces?

Gravity and Inertia. Gravity pulls the planets toward the sun, but inertia pulls it away. They keep it evenly balanced. angular velocity is balanced (mostly) by gravity. Answer2: The planets stay in orbit because the centripetal force of gravity vp/r is balanced by the centrifugal force cp/r cos(P). the centrifugal force is the divergence of the "Dark Energy" cmV =cP. The real gravity energy is w = -mGM/r + cmV = -vp + cP where -vp is the potential scalar energy and cP is the vector energy, the so-called "Dark Energy". The vector energy is the force balancing the gravitational centripetal force. vp/r = cp/r cos(P) thus v/c = cos(P). This is the red shift and explains what the red shift is. The Dark Energy is the vector energy associated with the Momentum mV. Dark Energy creates the orbit from : 0 = cdP/dr + muR/r3..

What is the results if sun has no gravity to it?

It would be Bad!

What are the results of gravity between the moon and earth?

Tides are the result of lunar (and solar) gravity.

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What is the gravity of a meteor?

the results vary, since meteors are of all different sizes, but meteors have extremely little gravity.

What fraction of the moons gravity is the moons gravity?

The moon's gravity is essentially identical to 100% of the moon's gravity, and results in gravitational forces on its surface that average about 16% of the corresponding forces on the Earth's surface.

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Olympic medals are awarded in a ceremony following the completion of each event, immediately following the certification of the results by the judges.

Tides results from the pull of gravity exerted upon the earth by?

The Moon.

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the results of the factors employed

How do you throw something overboard in your life?

Boat. Sea. Gravity. Your muscles. What not. Results!