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In deep space, free of other gravitational influences, theoretically, yes. All objects with mass have "gravity" -- as long as the Bowling ball contains more mass, there ought to be a particular velocity at which a Golf ball would orbit it.

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Q: Would a bowling ball roll farther than a ping pong ball?
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How much bigger is a bowling ball than a ping pong ball?

6x bigger

Why would a ping pong ball go farther with holes in it then with no holes?

They don't. The holes slow it down.

If a bowling ball and ping-pong ball are rolled down the highway at identical speed which ball has the greatest amount of kinetic energy?

The bowling ball because it has more mass

What travels farther a ping pong ball or a plastic ball with holes that is the same size?

ping pong ball the holes in a ball with holes(whiffle ball) slow it down.

Which exerts a gravitational force a baseball a football or a bowling ball?

A bowling ball since it has more mass. However, both the ping pong ball and the bowling ball are subjected to the same acceleration due to gravity, specifically 9.82 m s-2 and, neglecting air resistance, would fall at the same rate of speed.

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The bowling ball is better for knocking down pins because it is larger and alson has a larger mass

It is harder to stop a rolloing bowling ball than a rolling ping pong ball when both are rolling at the same velocity THis is an example of?

This is an example of momentum, which is a product of the object's mass and its velocity. It is also harder to start a bowling ball rolling than a ping-pong ball due to inertia, which is related only to the object's mass.

If you throw a ping pong ball and a golf ball with the same force which one will go the farthest Why?

a golf ball is heavier

Which of the following objects has the greatest inertia baseball bowling ball pencil or toothpick?

I think the golf ball has more inertia than ping pong ball, becuase of its weight. It is much heavy which result that it could stay at rest more, than a very lightweight ping pong ball.

It is harder to stop a rolling bowling ball than a rolling ping pong ball when both are rolling at the same velocity. this is an example of?

It is an example of inertia.

If a Ping-Pong ball collided with a Whiffle ball what would happen to the kinetic energy?

The kinetic energy would transfer Ping Pong ball!

How much more matter is in a golf ball than in a table tennis ball?

While a bowling ball is completely filled on the inside save the finger holes, a tennis ball's interior is completely hollow, and is also much smaller than a bowling ball. A bowling ball has more matter.