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College Football 2K, probably not, as they stopped in 2003. But NFL 2K13 or 2K14 has been rumored and widely discussed at EAs exclusive rights with the NFL and the NFLPA ends in 2012. According to, the subject has even been discussed in court. So you may and will likely see another NFL 2K game soon, but this isn't a 100% chance guarantee.

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The NFL 2K is the football game for Sega's Dreamcast.

Will there ever be another NFL 2k series?

Possibily, if 2k outbids EA for the excuisve rights that the NFL first put up for bid in 2005, or the NFL decides to eliminate the exclusive and let multiple companies make games again. The thied option is to make a football game w/o the licenses.

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Partly it was a 2k game and 4 of their studios developed it . 2K Marin, 2K Boston, 2K Australia and Digital Extremes . 2k Marin and 2k Australia had the most to do with . So its half Australian more or less.

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2K is another way to write 2,000

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NHL 2k what ever year ur welcome Jordan says peace

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cuz they did???????????

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Hmm.. I think it's NBA 2k 12

Will ESPN make another NFL 2k?

maddens contract runs out in 2013, but it may be extend, but 2k sports could get it possibly

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The creative directors of the game Bioshock 2 are 2K Marin/Australia, 2K Marin China, Digital Extremes, Arkane Studios, Darkside Game Studios and Feral interactive.

Another way to express two thousand?

2k or 2grand

Will 2k ever make another college hoops game?

Date Answered: March 2010 There is a chance they could next year if they get the contract with the NCAA before or when EA Sports does. The most recent college hoops game is 2K8, they almost but didn't get the 2009 year and they didnt in 2010. If they go on an get the contract, yes there might be a College Hoops 2K11.