

Why would people pray to Demeter?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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13y ago

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People would pray to the Greek god Demeter for a good harvest. This was because she was the most generous of all of the Greek gods and was beloved for her service to mankind in giving them the gift of the harvest, the reward for cultivation of the soil. The Roman name for Demeter was "Ceres", from whence we get our English word "cereal".

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They would likely pray to Demeter, goddess of the harvest.

Where do you go to pray to Demeter?

Before you plant your seeds and before you harvest. And sometimes in between so the plants grow nicely. You would normally go to the temple of Demeter or to any temple if there was not a specific one to Demeter close enough. You can pray anywhere but worship and special requests were usually accompanied by a sacrifice or offering in a temple. Any place that has a special significance for the deity you are praying to would work as well.

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Demeter was the goddess of harvest. her power was to make ferility in earths crops and make any living thing grow. that was her responsibilty. when Demeter was depressed she would cut off crops and let the people sturve

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How many people did Demeter marry?

None; Demeter had consorts and lovers but no husbands.

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What item does goddess Demeter have?

Demeter's symbol of power is an ear of wheat. She is the goddess of agriculture. Demeter also taught people how to farm.