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You mean not liked by Russian feudalists and capitalists - I guess. Because he wanted to free the Russian people from feudalists and capitalists supression. Of course they did not want this.

But he was liked very much by the majority of the people - especially workers and socialists. Democracy and the socialist ideas were forbidden in feudalist times of course in any European countries. The kings roled - not the people. Meanwhile the capitalists have taken over and are using the model of democracy because due to ownership of the media they control public opinion and what people are voting for.

When media control of people's mind does not longer work and people want socialism as e.g. in German revolution 1917/18 they build up fashism - as done in Germany, Spain, Italy. Search in Google for the full text of the book e.g "wallstreet and the rise of Hitler". This shows that even US capital financed Hitler - his task was to crush down German and Spanish Socialists and finally the UDSSR Socialism.

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