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It stands out more and it was the style when it started

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Q: Why the colour of basketball ring is orange?
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Related questions

Why is the iron ring in basketball orange in colour?

Cause they use orange paint.

What is the most common colour for a basketball?

Orange, or a Brownish-Orange.

Do basketball rims have to be orange?

Of course not but in the NBA it is the official colour.

Why are netballs oronge?

Netballs aren't orange, they are generally white with a splash of another colour. I think you are thinking of basketball where the ball is always orange

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what are the similarities between basketball and ring-ball

Is the fruit orange named after the colour orange?

No, oranges are not named after the colour. The colour orange is actually named after the fruit.Before then, the colour orange was called geoluread (yellow-red).

What colors can an orange basketball absorb?

none its a basketball none its a basketball

Is ring good at basketball?

RING is by far the best basketball player

Who is better ring or Kobe Bryant?

RING is by far the better basketball player

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