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Children learn largely by mimicking what they see. A child does not understand that the stunts wrestlers perform are coordinated and practiced. If they are shown Wrestling, they will think it is OK to behave in this fashion under everyday circumstances, such as the playground. Not only will the child injure himself and other children, he will be punished accordingly.

My boyfriend's six-year-old son has a careless mother who allows him to watch all kinds of violent television, including wrestling. He seriously injured another child imitating what he saw on WWE. A sure sign of a bad parent is when a kindergardener is suspended from school.

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13y ago

in high school wrestling, weight cutting if done wrong can cause health problems such as heart problems, anorexia, and low self esteem. also cauliflower ear can occur if the right head gear protection is not worn.

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because then you will start being negetive

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It is a bad influence on children, because it can inflict violence into their lives at an early age, and make it a part of their daily lives, even through their adult years.

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What is bad about watching wrestling?

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Wrestling moves are taught in wrestling schools. However it is also possible to learn some of the simpler moves such as basic stances by watching wrestling tuition videos on Youtube.

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I thing that you should stop watching wrestling. It is fake .

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sexy timeWrestling.Chasing locusts and eating them.Dancing.Singing and listening to instrumental music.

When is WWE world wrestling coming to New Zealand?

Never because WWE wrestling is fake and stupid. If you're still watching it, I hope you're 9 years old.

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This we never will know. Watching only cartoons might even be bad.

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Just because something is fake does not make it bad. There are hundreds of fictional shows on TV that people enjoy watching. Its like kids at a magic show ... magic is just an allousion.