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Q: Why is my husband's nipple very sore?
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Because kittens bite on the nipple and their rough tounges lick it therefore making the nipple sore. what can i do to comfort her if my female cats nipples are sore can i put vasaline on it

Sore ichy nipple and you lump next to it what is this?

you could be pregnant - get a test done

What does it mean when your nipple is sore and leaks a greasy clear substance?

Go to the doctor this is not normal.

You have sore right nipple leak fluid and get very hot?

This was reported as "happens shortly after being anally raped and contracting HIV/AIDS" You doctor should be the one to speak to about this.

White dot inside nipple?

It was hurting a lot the past week, it was very sore until I got into the shower, I looked down and the white thing was brown and I may have irritated it, I felt it and squeezed it and it fell right off and now I have a little hole in my nipple?

You have been taking amoxicillin for the last week but your nipple has flared up very red and sore It was weeping The antibiotic did appear to work at first but the symptoms have returned?

What if you have one normal nipple and on that goes in?

this can be very normal and there is nothing to worry about, it is called an inverted nipple.

When your pregnant does your whole breast hurt or just your nipple M y nipples are very sore but breasts are fine?

It varies for each person - sometimes breasts and nipples, sometimes just nipples and sometimes just breasts

How easy is it to rip out nipple piercings?


Can you have sore breasts from making out?

If you mean from just kissing, no. Messing around with the nipple and breast, yes. If your breasts are feeling sore for no apparent reason you should do a home breast exam or maybe even see a doctor.

What does it mean when your nipple is sore when you move?

Your nipples are bound to hurt if forced with pressure and for that know that its totally natural due to sensitivity in the tissue no worries!"

I took my nipple rings out because they were a bit sore they were out for 2 days now i can't them back in What should I do?

In would first get drugs from a hippie pot dealer and get high. While I was high, I would take a needle and shove it through my nipple!