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so u can flip through floor, vault, bars , and beam

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It is good because you can do things most people can't .

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so that you don't cramp?

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Q: Why is flexability important in dance?
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What are weaknesses of the Texas constitution?

It has no flexability

Is cheerlearing a real sport?

to some people Cheerleading is not a real sport. its an opinion. they do lift girls. so i guess it works out the arms. you need alot of flexability and strength. it is a mixture of dance and gymnastics.

What gives bones flexability?

Collagen lattices.

What is a Flexibility?

Flexability is the range of movement possible at a joint; therefore a movement to test your flexability would be touching your toes while keeping your legs straight, doing the splits etc.

Can boys do cart wheels?

yes the can. this is all dependant on their flexability!!

What does Flexability mean?

to be able to move your muscles into difference positions

What is a flexibility Activity?

Flexability is the range of movement possible at a joint; therefore a movement to test your flexability would be touching your toes while keeping your legs straight, doing the splits etc.

How do you make your dance teacher like you and be impressed with you?

hahah. i am also a dancer, my dance teachers are very impressed with my technique and flexability. what you need to do is improve on everything you think you can improve on, like your turn out, technique and flexibility and then seriesly listen to everything she says, if you have trouble with something ask for her help and take private lessons, your teacher will be very impressed if you do that

Why is flexability needed for football players?

why do you need flaxability in foot ball

Why folk dance important?

It represents an island or maybe a country.

Why is flexability important in netball?

Being incredible flexible is not needed in Netball but it helps to be a little flexible to avoid injury, such as pulling a muscle. You don't need to be able to do the splits or anything really flexible ;)

Why is a critique important in dance?

because it is! i have been in dance for the past 50 years and it is just really important, why would you think that it was't?!