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A parachute must have suspended weight in order to open. If you have no weight loading the parachute will fail.

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13y ago
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12y ago

In general, reducing the weight beneath a parachute will make it descend more slowly.

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Does wind affect parachute fall?

makes well slower innit

What size of parachute makes a free fall slower?

Depends what you mean by "better". A bigger parachute provides more wind resistant so if you were to jump out of a plane, you would want to go big. If your talking speed (like a running parachute) you would want a small parachute to accommodate how much harder you want to make your run

What makes the parachute stay longer in the air?

The hemispherical shape of a typical parachute is associated with a very high drag coefficient, which means for any given wind speed and air density combination, the actual force of drag is very high. Also parachutes are typically large which makes the drag force proportionaly higher. What this all means is that the drag required for an unaccelerated decent (which is equal to the weight) can be acheived with a much slower speed through the air (a non life-threatening speed upon landing). An object moving slower takes more time to cover a constant distance, so the parachute carries its object in the air longer.

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What does the friction of air do to parachute jumper or a pendulum?

It makes the parachute, jumper,and a pendulum to decrease speed.

What force makes a parachute work?

air resistance

How does increasing the diameter of the parachute increase it's size?

it makes wider which makes it bigger

What makes a person slow down when their parachute opens?


How will increasing the diameter of the parachute increase it's size?

It makes it wider which of course makes it bigger

What makes light move slower as it travels?

it moves slower because of sudden movement

Why does heat makes the parachute fly?

heat makes a parachute fly because when hot air goes into a balloon shape it blows up and then lifts into the air it acts like helium o yeahhhh

What does the vent on the top of the parachute do?

The vent on top of the parachute helps air go through. If you didn't have a vent at the top you would be floating in the same place. The vent makes the parachute go down slowly but not fast enough to where you would drop.