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Q: Why does the Pentose phosphate pathway not generate ATP?
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Does ATP contain a phosphate atom?

ATP = Adenosine triphosphate, it contains 3 phosphate groups, the structure of this molecule consists of a purine base (adenine) attached to the carbon atom of a pentose sugar (ribose). The 3 phosphate groups are attached to another carbon atom of the pentose sugar.

Atp contains what phosphate groups?

ATP = Adenosine triphosphate, it contains 3 phosphate groups, the structure of this molecule consists of a purine base (adenine) attached to the carbon atom of a pentose sugar (ribose). The 3 phosphate groups are attached to another carbon atom of the pentose sugar. The link below shows the molecule.

Does ATP contain the sugar glucose?

No. ATP contains the pentose (five-carbon sugar) ribose.ATP has the structure:adenine - ribose - phosphate - phosphate - phosphateWith two phosphate groups, it would be ADP. With only one phosphate, it would be AMP, which is one of the nucleotides occurring in RNA.

What 3 things make up an ATP molecule?

The nitrogen base adenine, a ribose sugar molecule, and three phosphate groups.

What things make up a molecule of ATP?

a pentose sugarone or more phosphate groupsan adenosine baseRead more at related link below.

What is the name of the nitrogen containing compound found in ATP?

ATP is a phosphorylated nucleotide consisting of three phosphate groups attached to ribose(pentose sugar) and adenine(nitrogenous organic base).

What is the monomer for ATP?

The monomer unit of ATP is the Nucleotide Adenine.

When ATP releases some energy it also releases inorganic phosphate what purpose does this serveif any in the cell?

To generate more ATP.

Name the component parts of a molecule of ATP?

The three components are known as adenosine triphosphate. One of the components is phosphate. Ribose is a pentose sugar. Adenine is a purine base.

What are 3 ways in which ATP is regenerated during skeletal muscle contraction?

During a skeletal muscle contraction, the three ways in which ATP is generated are through direct phosphorylation, anaerobic pathway and aerobic respiration. In direct phosphorylation, ADP is phosphorylated by creatine phosphate; in anaerobic pathway, glycolysis and lactic acid formation occur; and in aerobic respiration, 95% of ATP is produced.

Is ribose part of adenosine diphosphate?

Yes, as Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) is the product of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). The only difference between the two is ADP has on less phosphate group. Both ADP and ATP are composed of one pentose sugar ribose, 2 or 3 phosphate groups, and adenine.

Why is ATP categorized as a nucleic acid?

As biopolymers, nucleic acids are consisted of simpler molecules (monomers).More specially, these monomers are known as nucleotides.Every nucleotide is constructed of pentose, inorganic phosphate (p) and a nitrogen base.ATP is exactly such nucleotide - it's pentose is ribose, the nitrogen base is adenine and 3 inorganic phosphates are bonded to the pentose. Namely because of its nucleotide nature, ATP is part of the nucleic acids family.