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so you can dribble the Basketball

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Q: Why does basketball have to be played with a hard ball and a basketball hoop?
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What is the game which includes a big orange ball a hoop and is played in the summer?


Basketball gear are?

A ball and a hoop

Why do you use a ball on basketball?

In basketball you try to throw the ball into the hoop(basket) so that is why you use a ball in basketball.

Does the player face their basketball hoop when jumping for the ball?

yes when jumping for a basketball the team player jumping faces their basketball hoop..

What is offensive in basketball?

Offense is when a team possesses the basketball.

How do you describe what basketball does?

Basketball is a sport where you try to put the ball through the hoop.

What is the difference between a netball hoop and a basketball hoop?

Basketball has a backboard for the ball to bounce off. Netball hoops just have a hoop no backboard. You have to be very acurate. Also in netball the diameter of the rings is 3 inches smaller.

Forcefully pushing a basketball through a basketball hoop from above is called?

Dunking the ball.

What techniques are there in basketball?

First you throw the ball to one of your team-mates that are open. If they pass you the ball don't be afraid of the ball. If your near the hoop throw the ball into the hoop.

What is a way to always get the ball you the hoop in basketball?

Lots of practice!!

What did James Naismith use as a basketball hoop?

a soccer ball

What arc in basketball?

The arc in Basketball is when you shoot the ball into the hoop. When you shoot it should be an arc shape. When it's an arc shape there is a higher chance of the basketball to go in the hoop.