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because they take steriod!

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Q: Why do basketball players use aerobic energy system?
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What nutrients and compounds can the aerobic system use to resynthesise energy?

Glucose is the energy source that is used to release ATP through aerobic respiration. this is safe man

How much ATP is produced by each energy system?

atp-pcr 2 lactic acid 4 aerobic 38

What energy system is dominant in basketball?

Depending on how intense the game and competitor, all energy systems are used in basketball (ATP - PC, Lactic Acid and Oxygen systems). The Oxygen system would probably dominate in a slower, more controlled game of basketball (possibly NBA) but the ATP-PC system (with some assistance from the Lactic Acid system) would probably dominate in a faster, more aggressive game (NCAA or college ball) where the players would need to recover either by playing predominantly either offense or defense (but not both) and / or subbing off and on the court during the game.

Why cells switch from aerobic to anaerobic during a race?

thise is because during exercise your body demands oxygen (obviously) and your energy systems will not " switch over" beause all energy systems are actually being used however during a race eg. marathon , your body will go through high and lows so your aerobic energy system will start off as the main provider than as you relax and get in to the race your anerobic system will kick in however when this fatigues you will begin to speed up because your aerobic system starts up again . try looking at energy systems ATP-PCR / LACTIC ACID SYSTEM and creatine phosphate.

When do you do aerobic vs anaerobic?

The truth is that there is never only aerobic or anaerobic situation in our body. We train/get active using percentages of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.(e.g 80% to 20%) A lot of sports use more the aerobic energy production like 3000m running in track and fields, walking, swimming 1500 m etc Some other sports/activities use more anaerobic like olympic weight lifting, shot-put, 100m running. And some sports start anaerobic and continue with aerobic like boxing. On the other hand, in one sport an experienced athlete may use aerobic energy and one begginer use anaerobic more (due to loss of techique). In Fitness industry, most of the women like aerobic exercises and they believe they loose fat or control their weight better than every other kind of exercise especially the anaerobic (weight training). During aerobic activity your metabolism burns calories for energy but that's all. During anaerobic activity your metabolism burns also calories (not so many from fat) but the results keep the metabolism in high level so: you burn more calories during all the remain day and the following days (and that is because your muscles get stronger or more massive and so the body burns more calories to keep them in working condition) I hope to answer your question for a better life. Thanks

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Lipids fuel your Aerobic System. EE

What nutrients and compounds can the aerobic system use to resynthesise energy?

Glucose is the energy source that is used to release ATP through aerobic respiration. this is safe man

Why is the aerobic endurance important?

Aerobic energy system is used for long durations sports such as a Football And Marathon Running As The Aerobic energy System is used for long distance sport activities and can only be active when oxygen is there.

Is Aerobic energy system for a 400 meter sprinter the right anwer?

No! The 400 meters is 10% aerobic and 90% anaerobic.

Which type of respiration produces the most energy?

aeorobic respiration

Football applied to the aerobic energy system?

the aerobic system is a long term energy system. It requires oxygen to ensure energy is available for the re-systhesis of ATP.It provides energy for low-moderate intensity exercise - 90 seconds plus ..... Goes through a number of chemical reactions - produces carbon dioxide and water

What energy system is used when playing tennis?

There are three energy systems we use when we exercise. PC/ alactic system- maximal intensity for less than 10secs-100m lactic acid system- maximal intensity for >10secs<4mins- 400m aerobic system- sub maximal intensity for >4mins- marathon i am confused to the breakdown of each during a netball match the lactic system is used for running back and forth alot without stopping The Aerobic system may be used by a C player. These players have to run continuously and are ultra fit. But the main system used is the lactic acid system. Most players would be using the lactic acid system, along with the Alactic system. This would allow players to use explosive amounts of energy for short bursts, such as a short lead, or rebound. The lactic acid system would be used for double leads, blocking players, etc.

What does aerobic exercise use for energy?

The Aerobic Energy system works via the breakdown of carbohydrates by oxygen. The by products of this process are water (in sweat) carbon dioxide (in breath) and heat (produced by the muscles).

What energy system is used in long distance running?

The human body is a biochemical machine. It uses the chemical energy in food to power the muscles it uses to run. The energy in food, water, and the oxygen in air combine to make the body of the runner work.