

Why did terry never stop?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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To make money

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Q: Why did terry never stop?
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When did terry stop his marathon of hope?

september 1st

When did Terry Fox stop running?

September 1, 1980

When did terry stop?

beacuse he had leg cancer and then died X>.>

Which pronoun should replace you and Terry?

The pronouns that take the place of 'you and Terry' is you (the plural). Examples:You and Terry can bring the sodas. You can stop at the store on your way to the party.I brought butter brickle for you and Terry because I know that you both like it.

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Terry is embarrassed by his father in "Stop the Sun" because his father suffers from PTSD and exhibits unpredictable behavior, causing Terry to feel confused and uncomfortable around him. Terry struggles to understand and connect with his father's experiences from the Vietnam War, leading to a sense of shame and isolation.

Who finished Terry Fox's run?

We never finnished running the Terry Fox run we run ever year to support terry fox and the cancer that he had and ever cancer!:) David Was Here

What were Terry Fox's last words?

some where the hurting must stop you have to continue with out me

Why did Terry stop running?

Just outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario

Where id Terry Fox make it to before he had to stop the marathon?

5 miles in

Is Michael terry mean?

He is soooooooooooo mean!!!!!!!!!!!................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... .......... Somebody tell him to stop flicking me!

Where did Terry Fox do?

Terry Fox ran the Marathon of Hope across Canada but had to stop in Thunder Bay due to his cancer spreading from his leg, to his lungs.

Where did Terry Fox do it?

Terry Fox ran the Marathon of Hope across Canada but had to stop in Thunder Bay due to his cancer spreading from his leg, to his lungs.