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Q: Why can't somebody beat world record in pole vault?
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He beat his own record for 17th time in July 1994 in pole vault?

Sergey Bubka He Pole Vaulted for Ukraine when he set the record again.

Have you beat a world record before?

I did when I was ten, I beat the record of most jumps on a pogo, but I had no idea at the time0:

How old do you have to be to beat world record?

You have to be 16

The world record for kids in pogo sticking?

I jumped 1,601 consecutive times on my pogo stick. I was trying to beat the world record of 1,187. I jumped 1,000 with my friend and I had 1 mistake I am still trying to break my record and the world record

Do you get paid to do a world record?

No , people can try to beat a record then call in the world record people to see if they made a world record. I am unsure if after they win the world record They mite win some cash

How do you beat a world record?

practice makes perfect

What is the hardest world record to beat?

Eating Hotdogs

What was the world record for highway rider?

59 that was the old record. the new world record by Aimene Ghomri is 65. if u beat that record write it down. thank you

Did Chester beat the world record for the longest bunting?

No, Chester did not beat the world record for the longest bunting. The current Guinness World Record for the longest bunting is held by a group in the UK and consists of 3,427.94 meters.

When did Usain Bolt brake the world record?

usain bolt beat asafa powells record in 2008 and still holds the record

Can somebody that runs in mph beat somebody that runs in mps?


How do you get it affical that u beat a world record?

To officially beat a world record, you need to follow the guidelines set by the record-keeping organization, such as Guinness World Records. This usually involves providing evidence of your achievement, having witnesses present, and submitting a formal application for verification. Once your record is approved, you will receive recognition from the organization.