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because water is not solid

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Q: Why can't a basketball bounce on water?
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Related questions

How do you bounce ball in basketball?

you bounce a ball in basketball by hitting the ball against the ground.

What does the air in a basketball do?

The air in a basketball lets the basketball bounce.

Can a basketball bounce with Rubbing Alcohol?

no basketball can't not bounce with rubbing alcohol because that is not something that can bounce a basket ball. I am just using my opinion

How does gravity affect the bounce of a basketball?

Gravity affects the bounce of a basketball because if there is gravity, the basketball will come back down after it bounces. But if there is no gravity, the basketball will bounce and travel indefinitely upwards and never come back down until a gravitational force pulls the basketball towards it.

What will bounce higher baseball soccer or a basketball?

basketball and chicken

Will a basketball bounce higher on a flat surface or a rocky surface?

the basketball will most likely bounce higher on a flat surface

Will grass make a basketball bounce?

No,of course not, the friction between the basketball and the grass would make the ball bounce less.

What are five sports rules?

basketball: you have to bounce the ball while moving apart from the last 2 steps you cant bounce the ball with both hands not allowed to step over the line when taking a freethrow you cant sheperd somebody not allowed to use your elbow to fend off

Will a basketball or tennis ball bounce higher with more air?

i know that a basketball will because if it has nothing in it, it won't bounce. right? but when you put more helium in, it will bounce high. but if you put to much in it, it might explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does the circumference of a basketball effect bounce?


Which ball bounce highest?


Is there a fruit that can bounce like a basketball?

No, there is no fruit that naturally bounces like a basketball. Fruits tend to have a softer texture and are not designed to bounce.