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Q: Why are trains faster than they were in the olden days?
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What has changed since the olden days to now?

today's life is better than olden days

Which is faster a passenger train or a freight train?

Passenger trains are usually faster than freight trains.

Why are floating trains faster than regular trains?

No rolling friction.

Can other trains in Britan and Scotland travel faster than trains in the High Speed 1?

No, the other trains in Britain and Scotland cannot travel faster than the trains in the high speed one.

What is the difference between coins in olden days and modern days?

There's more copper in coins of today than in olden days.

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Why is that a maglev train is faster than a normal train?

Maglev trains are faster than normal trains because they use magnetic levitation to reduce friction between the train and the tracks, allowing them to reach higher speeds. Additionally, maglev trains do not have wheels, which eliminates the rolling resistance experienced by traditional trains on tracks.

How is modern transportation better than olden transportation?

The modern transportation is way faster and more convenient.

How did trains help America?

Trains created a whole new source of transportation. it was faster bigger and less aerating than carriages.

What are the economic features of the 1900?

yes it has because women are indepent now a days than they were in da olden days

Are trains faster than cars?

It all depends on what type of train, and what type of car.

What is the difference between a pharmacy technician of today and those of years ago?

1.They can make medicine faster and better 2. In the olden days they used natural herbs rather than pain killers and drugs.