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Because if you are slow to respond to the actions of other player/players, you lose.

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Q: Why are reflexes so important when playing sport?
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Why are reflexes important?

cause they keep you alive. no they are important so they keep you alive bad reflexes mean bad muscle strengh

Why is the sport of football important?

its really a mans sport so we like to see somebody get hurt or if were playing it we like to hurt the other people sometimes it another way to get their emotion outs

Do Nigerians play basketball?

yes, not many but nigerians don't have loyalty to that sport. football or soccer is the sport they have loyalty to, and is the sport they consiter important. So if you go to nigeria, that's the sport you'll see people playing outside almost in every area, not basketball.

When does a baby have reflexes?

Babies are born with reflexes. These reflexes, such as rooting and sucking, make it so the baby can survive.

What is important of study psychology of sport?

The rules and regulations of every sport, so you know the ins and out.

Is the old wives tale about playing call of duty for 6 hours straight makes your reflexes better true?

Unlikely. It is true that doing anything that involves reflexes will improve them, it takes well beyond 6 hours. Furthermore there are very little muscle reflexes involved in video games. So even playing them for as long as would be required to have any noticable improvement would be more than impractical.

Why are sport shoes important?

so u don't trip

Why is so important doing sport?

Because playing sports give the ability to show off your talents and to express yourself and it helps you to stay active and learn to play as a team or by yourself.

How are skeletal muscle properties important to sport?

so they help you be stronger

Why is soccer so exciting?

Because it's a fast moving, fun playing sport!

How many people get fit by playing sport?

If they play sports all the time, almost anyone can get fit playing sports. So..... Lots do.

Is Mexican futbol a contact sport?

Mexican futbol is our soccer. So in that case yes it is a contact sport. It can get pretty violent depending on which level you are watching or playing at.