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Q: Why are graphite hockey sticks made out of?
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What is sticks made out of?

Hockey sticks were originally made out of wood. But now a days Pro Hockey sticks are made of graphite woven from carbon. NHL players have their sticks custom made accoring to them and what makes them play better. Each player has a different way they like their sticks. The Sticks are made of graphite because they can easily bend when they're taking a shot on goal. Wood sticks can't bend.

What are hockey sticks made of?

The vast majority of sticks are made with one (or a combination) of the following materials: wood, aluminum, fiberglass, graphite (carbon fiber), Kevlar and titanium.

How does cutting a graphite hockey stick effect its flex?

sticks will be stiffer

What si a hockey stick made out of?

Nowadays they are mostly graphite composites (like the newer golf shafts). Very flexible but when they break, look out. The wooden hockey sticks were mostly maple

Where are Reebok hockey sticks made?

Reebok hockey sticks are made in China. As a result, there is 2.5% duty levied to Reebok hockey sticks when importing them into Canada.

What are hockey sticks made out of?

rubber. compacted rubber to be specific.pure sythetic rubber. mostley made in checkslovkia

What countries are field hockey sticks manufactured in?

Most field hockey sticks are made in Pakistan.

Where are field hockey sticks made?

In hockey stick factories.

Who made wally hockey sticks?

The Wally Company made there famous wally sticks.

What were the first hockey sticks made of?


Which wood is a hockey stick made from?

Hickory and Ash are common woods for hockey sticks.

How wooden hockey sticks are made?

they are made out of wood and then the cycle begains