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Jesse Owens, from Ohio, just because he was African-American.

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Q: Who was the athelete at the 1944 Olympics games who Hitler refused to present him with his medals?
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Who refused to shake Jesse Owens's hand at the 1936 Summer Olympics?

adolf Hitler

What did a young girl in white present Adolf Hitler with in the 1936 Olympics?

She presented him with a wig and a prostitute.

How is Germany and Hitler connected to the Olympics?

Germany hosted the Olympics in 1936 when Hitler was the leader of Germany.

What was hitler refused from doing that started the war?

he refused everything basically

Who is Jessie Owen and what sport did he play?

He was a track and field star famous for his appearance in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. He was black, he won a race in Nazi Germany, and Hitler refused to shake his hand. That is who JesseOwens is.

What happened in the Olympics of Hitler?

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Hitler simply refused to pay the remaining German debt.

Who upset Hitler during the 1936 Olympics?

Jesse Owens

Who was in charge of the 1936 Olympics?

Hitler-Germany hosted that year

How did Jesse Owens send Hitler into a great rage?

Because Hitler wanted just a race of Arians, but Jesse Owens comes along and destroys that by winning 4 gold medals but the Germans still got the most medals and also one of Hitlers' friends betrayed him but becoming friends with Jesse.

Did Adolf Hitler serender in world war2?

No, Hitler refused to ever surrender during WW 2 and instead committed suicide.