

Who was responsible for the ban of the Ancient Olympics?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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It was banned by Emperor Theoosuis in 393 A.D. I got this information from a book from the library because i have to do a 20 page report on the oympics. I'm in year 7 happy to help tho =]

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Q: Who was responsible for the ban of the Ancient Olympics?
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emporer theresuas in 393ad

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Theodosius I, Emperor of the Roman Empire, banned the Olympics in 393 AD. The next time the Olympics were held was in 1896.

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The person who was responsilbe for the banning was emperor Theodosius in 393 A.D. happy to help you =]

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Theodosius I attempted to ban all Olympic games in ancient Greece, although he may not have been entirely successful. He declared the ban in 394 AD as part of a larger ban on pagan celebrations and rituals.

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Only men were able to compete in the Ancient Olympics. Women were forbid to enter the Ancient Olympics, or, Olympia, as it was called back then.

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