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Please clarify which Greek religious festival?

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Q: Who was being honored in the greek religious festival?
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What did greek theater originally celebrate?

Greek Theater originaloly celebrated religious festivals that honored Dionysus

What did the greek Olympics honor?

The ancient Olympic Games, part of a major religious festival honoring Zeus, the chief Greek god, were the biggest event in their world. They were the scene of political rivalries between people from different parts of the Greek world, and the site of controversies, boasts, public announcements and humiliations.

How did the greek origin Olympics come to be?

Homer descibed it as being held as part of funeral rites in the Ileiad. It was a religious festival that started in 776 BC

Who did the ancient Greeks honor in their three day autumn festival?

The Greek Godess of corn (and of all grains) was named Demeter, who was honored at the festival of Thesmosphoria held each Autumn.

What was the aim of the Greek Olympic movement?

It was a religious festival held in honour of the god Zeus.

What were the Greek gods honored with?

they were honored with feasts and ... your mom

Which nationality of people started the Olympic games?

It was started by the Greeks, as a religious festival in honor of the Greek god Zeus.

Why did the Greek have the Olympics in the first place?

As a religious festival for the god Zeus at his temple at Olympia in Elis in southern Greece.

What grew out of greek religious festivals?

Greek theatre - each day of a festival there were five plays performed in honour of the god - three tragedies, a satyr play and a comedy.

For the ancient Olympics was the Olympic Torch carried around different countries?

No. The ancient Olympics were a sports festival but also a religious festival celebrated in Greece by Greeks to honor the Greek gods.

The ancient Greeks dedicated the Olympic Games to who?

The Olympics was a religious festival in honor of Zeus. Zeus was the king of the Greek gods.

Why were women not alowed at the Greek Olympics?

It was a male festival in honour of the god Zeus. Women had their own religious festivals from which men were excluded.