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Klose has scored 14, Maradona 8.

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Q: Who scored more fifa world cup goals diego maradona or miroslav klose?
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How many goals did Maradona score?

Throughout his career Diego Maradona scored 352 goals. 352 not even close to what pele scored

How many goals did Maradona score for Argentina?

Diego Maradona scored 292 goals in the many years of his professional career. Diego Maradona is considered the greatest football player by many football experts, critics, fans, current players, and former players.

How many goals that maradona get in world cup history?

Diego Maradona, an argentine football legend, scored 8 goals and 8 assists in 21 world cup appearance. He scored 5 goals in the 1986 World Cup.

How many career goals did maradona scored?

Maradona has scored 322 career goals.

How many goals did Diego Maradona scored in 1986 world cup?

7 people to be exact plus goalie.

How much goals maradona did score in international matches?

maradona has scored 34 goals in Argentina national team

Who scored the most goals in the German Football Team?

Miroslav Klose has scored 63 goals.

How are Pele and Diego Maradona alike?

Pele and Maradona were strikers, wore jersey number 10, both were leaders and scored lots of goals. Pele to me was a complete footballer. And better then maradona I feel Johan Cruyff was a better footballer.

How many goals did Maradona scored in 1986 world cup?

5 goals.

Who is a better soccer player Diego maradona or Pele?

It is Pele by miles, Pele has scored over a thousand goals, and never took drugs like maradona. Mararadona was thrown out of the 1994 world cup by F.I.f.A.

How many goals did Diego Maradona score for Napoli?


How many goals has Miroslav Klose has scored for German National in all competition?

As of 21st March, 2011, Miroslav Klose has scored 59 goals in 106 appearances for the Germany National Team.