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== == Greg Norman.

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Q: What is the sportsman great White Sharks real name?
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Name the sharks that live in British waters?

great white great white great white

Where does the great white shark get its name from?

They are big (great) and they have white bellys and there sharks...get it????

How did great white sharks get there name?

Because they're great and they're white

What is the great white sharks other name?


What is a great white sharks male name?


Why are bull sharks more aggresevethan great white sharks?

Because they have the name bull in it

What is a great white sharks scientific name?

Carcharodon carcharias

What is the great white sharks sientific name?

Carcharodon carcharias

What is the group name or collective noun for the great white shark?

The collective nouns for sharks is a school of sharks, a shoal of sharks, and a shiver of sharks. I like shiver a lot. If there is a specific collective noun for the great white shark, I do not know what it is.

What species are closely related to the stingray?

Great white sharks are possible to be related to bull sharks. Great white sharks are somehow danderous like bull sharks. Great white sharks are possible to be related to bull sharks. Great white sharks are somehow danderous like bull sharks.

Are great white sharks and white pointers the same?

Yes, same shark, different name.

What is The Colossal Cannibal Great White Sharks sientific name?

Colossal Cannibal i'm gessing?