

Best Answer
Answerlook at it this way: If I were to say, "I'd prefer to play soccer." It would be correct. If I said, "I'd prefer go Bowling." It wouldn't make sense. The sentence would be "I'd prefer to play soccer than to go bowling."

Break it up into two separate sentences and it's a lot easier.

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Q: Which one is correct sentence I would prefer to play soccer than go bowling or I would prefer to play soccer than to go bowling?
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Is the mass of a bowling ball greater than the mass of a soccer ball?

Yes, because a bowling ball is more dense than a soccer ball. A bowling ball is solid all throughout while a soccer ball has its outer layer, but has air inside of it. Hope that this answer helps! :)

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The correct way to write this sentence is the following: We wanted to play soccer; however, our friends wanted to listen to music.

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The favorite German spectator sport is soccer. They have outdoor soccer and indoor soccer. Germans also like basketball, hockey and American football. They play bowling, but it's candlepin bowling and not tenpin bowling. The favorite German participant sport is weightlifting, especially the 12-ounce curl.

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Bowling is the most participated sport in the US, followed by soccer and baseball.

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A bowling ball and a soccer ball, dropped from the same height will hit the ground at exactly the same time.

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Friction is when you roll a bowling ball down an bowling alley or when you kick a soccer ball. Hope this helped

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Do Cubans like soccer?

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What are examples of newtons seconed law of motion?

probably a bowling ball and a soccer ball. please be careful with the bowling ball though.