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There are a lot of teams worldwide which have the best players, depending on who you support it may taint your view. Manchester City have injected millions into building a brilliant squad, with Tevez, Adebayor, Santa Cruz and Shay Given etc, but the team just haven't gelled well enough yet. Then there is Manchester United, with the world's most in form striker at the minute, Wayne Rooney with Nani, Vidic and a lot of younger players with a lot of talent.

Liverpool have Stephen Gerrard and Fernando Torres who are considered world class, but the team as a whole is in a bit of a slump at the minute.

Then there is the two Spanish giants, Real Madrid and Barcelona. Madrid went on a city style spending spree last summer, buying Ronaldo for £80, Benzema, Xabi Alonso and Kaka all huge players. They also have Iker Cassillas in nets, the Spanish number one, possibly the best goalkeeper in the world.

Also, Barcelona has some fantastic players, Lionel Messi, considered the world's best young player, Xabi and Iniesta, probably the greatest midfield partnership football has ever seen, Ibrahimovic, the dominant ex Inter Milan striker who hasn't quite hit top form yet. They also have players like Dani Alvez, Puyol and Victor Valdez in nets, who would be an instant pick for any country, apart from the fact Cassillas has never let him through.

There is also the retirement home, AC Milan, with Inzaghi, Dida, Beckham and Ronaldinho, all former greats, along with the young blood, Alexender Pato and Marco Borriello.

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14y ago
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13y ago

syndey has the best back line because they are so awsome

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13y ago

it gotta be man utd for sure

they have all the best players

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