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That would be Ray Chapman.

Nine minor league players, and 111 players overall, have been killed by pitched balls over the decades.

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Q: Which baseball hitter was the only one to be killed by a pitched ball?
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What is known as Screwball?

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When the hitter is either hit by the pitched ball, or if the pitcher throws four balls in a row, then the batter may proceed to go to first base because he has been walked.

What does batted ball mean in baseball?

A batted ball is a pitched ball that makes contact with the batter's bat, whether intentional or not. A batted ball can be fair or foul.

What does steal mean in baseball?

What it mean in baseball (as well in softball) to steal is when the ball has been pitched you run to the next base. But you may have to run back because the ball was hit out of bounds. Another way to steal is when the ball was pitched and the catcher dropped it. Then again you run to the next base.

How is the ball pitched in soft ball?

It's pitched underhand.

How is baseball different from softball?

softball has a bigger ball and despite its name, the official softball is the same hard as a baseball also, the ball is pitched underarm in softball

How many balls are lost in a professional baseball game?

Every ball pitched is taken out and replaced.

Why can a batter hit a pitched baseball further than a ball tossed in the air by the batter?

A ball that is pitched has a greater velocity and a greater momentum so when the bat hits the ball and transfers energy to the ball, the greater the original momentum the more force that the ball will travel with causing it to go farther.

Which has the greater speed during a game a football a baseball or a golf ball?

A baseball is pitched at 150km/ph and a golf ball is hit at about 220km/ph, John Dally can hit it 280km/ph