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Q: Where were the 2004 modern Olympic Games held?
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Was The 2004 modern Olympic games were held in Atlanta Georgia?

No, the 1996 Summer Olympics were held in Atlanta. The 2004 Summer Olympics were held in Athens, Greece.

Where was the modern first games held?

The first modern Olympic games were held in Athens in 1986 but the the first ancient olympic games were held in Olympia 776BC

Which sport was held in the first modern olympic games in 1886?

Which sport was included in the first modern olympic games held in 1866

When and where were the first modern olympic games held?

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896.

Where are the modern Olympic held?

Currently modern Olympics are held all over the world most recently they were held in China.athens

Where were the modern olympic games held?

The first Olympic Games of the modern era took place in 1896. They were held in Athens, Greece where they were held in ancient times.

How many times have the modern olympic games been held in greece?

The modern Games started in Athens in 1896. They were held again in Athens in 2004. Therefore, in modern terms, the answer is 2.

Where were the Olympic Games held in 2005?

no games in 2005. the 2004 games were held in Greece

When were the olympic games held in 2004?


How many different events were held at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games?

301 events in 28 sports were held at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.

Where is Modern Olympic games held?


Where were the 1893 Olympics held?

There were no Olympic Games in 1893. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896.