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Usually in Mexico or Spain, bullfights are held in an outdoor arena. Like a Rodeo

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Bullfights are held in a plaza de toros - a bullring - especially constructed for the events. Bullfights are held in Spain, Portugal, France, Mexico and some South American countries.

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9y ago

The running of the bulls is a prelude to the bullfight in some towns, such as Pamplona, Spain. The bulls are held in corrals outside the town and must be moved to the bullring the morning before a bullfight is scheduled. They are run through the streets of the town to the ring with tame steers and people started the custom of running with the bulls. One must be 18 years of age at least, must be sober and must run with (or in front of) the animals and not in the opposite direction. Runners are also forbidden to antagonize the animals in any way.

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13y ago

The Running of the Bulls, or the Festival of San Fermín, takes place in Pamplona, Spain.

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9y ago

It is held in several places but the most famous is in Pamplona, Spain, in July of each year during the Festival of San Fermin.

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8y ago

Traditional Spanish bullfights take place in Spain, Mexico, Portugal, France and a few Central and South American countries.

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Q: Where is the 'running of the bulls' held each year?
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Which year is the 'Running Of The Bulls'?

It is held every year in Pamplona, Spain, from July 6 through the 14th.

When is the Running of the Bulls 2009?

6th-14th July each year

What was the previous name of the chasing bull?

The running of the bulls takes place each year in Pamplona, where people run from bulls that have been released. There is no previous name for this event, it has always been called the running of the bulls.

What city in Spain do they have the running of the bulls?

Pamplona, the capital city of the Province of Navarre holds the Feria de San Fermin from July 6 to July 14 each year. The running of the bulls is celebrated during the feria.

How many times a year does the running with the bulls occur?

One a year in July

When was the running of the bulls originated?

Pamplona, north east Spain, started in the 14th Century. Held every year, July 6 -14. during the San Fermin Festival

Approximately how long is the running of the bulls?

In Pamplona, Spain, the running of the bulls occurs on July 7 every year. It doesn't take very long for the bulls to run down the street toward the bullring.

What do people do in Running of the Bulls?

The Running of the Bulls is a prestigious Spanish event where a small group of Bulls run across the towns streets. People run in front of the bulls for approximately 800m, wihere at least 200 people are injured every year.

What is a big event that happens in Spain every year?

The running of the bulls in Pamplona.

What country has a famous tradition during a festival called Running of the Bulls?

Pamplona, Spain during the Festival de San Fermin in July of each year.

What happens during San Fermin Day?

San Fermin is the Spanish festival commonly known as the running of the bulls. It takes place in Pamplona, Spain on the 7th of July each year.

What event takes place in Pampalona every year?

The Running of the Bulls (San Fermin festival) takes place in Pamplona, Spain every year. It involves people running in front of a group of bulls that have been let loose on a course through the streets of the city.